You have a loose tooth

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Louis (Age 5): You let out a scream as you fell and hit your chin on the counter. When you stood up, your front tooth was practically out, and you freaked out. You were spending the weekend with Louis, and you would usually go to your mom with these things. "LOUIS!" You scream, and began to cry. Louis rushes in to the kitchen to find you standing there covering your mouth. "(Y/N)! What happened?" He asks, worried. You dont move your hand, "I-I fe-fell and I-I hit my chin and now my tooth is broken!" You stutter. Louis stands there confused before realizing what you said. "(Y/N), I need you to move your hand so I can help you." You shake your head, "Please, (Y/N)." He begs. Finally, you move your hand. Louis looks at you tooth. "I want you to squeeze your hand as tight as you can, okay?" He tells you. You nod and squeeze your hand into a fist. He grabs the tooth and pulls it out, and you squeak a little. After he helps you get all cleaned up, he says, "Now the tooth fairy gets to come!" And ended up having to explain what the tooth fairy was.

Harry (Age 7): Your tooth had been loose for about two weeks now and it was making you mad. You wanted it out, because it was harder to eat everything. Harry handed you and apple, and you tried to eat it, moving around the tooth. You took a bite and a little cracking noise surprised you. When you pulled away your tooth was just kinda hanging there. "HARRY!" You scream. Harry rushes in and sees your tooth, "Oh, (Y/N)." He says and you start to cry. "I want it out!" You complain. He walks over to you, and says, "Squeeze my arm, okay?" You do as he tells you. With the other arm, he grabs you tooth and pulls it out, making you squeal. After cleaning up you ask, "Is the tooth fairy going to come?" He laughs, but nods.

Niall (Age 10): You had a loose tooth toward the back of your mouth, and you knew it should come out, but you hated blood and any type of pain so you were hiding it from everyone. Of course, if you leave something like that in your mouth it was going to start getting infected and hurt you more, but you didn't care. You started to eat less because of it, too. "(Y/N), honey, come on, you have to eat something." Niall tells you one afternoon. You shake your head, "I'm not hungry." But your stomach growls loudly. "Your stomach says otherwise, (Y/N), why won't you tell me what's wrong?" He asks you. You just shake your head, "Is it the fans?" You shake your head, "Please tell me, (Y/N)." He begs. You sigh, "My tooth." You whisper. He looks at you, and you show him your tooth with the red gums around it. "(Y/N), that tooth needs to come out! It'll get worse. Do you want me to pull it out or the dentist?" He asks. "You." You whisper. Niall grabs your tooth, and tells you to squeeze his arm, so you do. He pulls it out and you let out a squeal. He helps you clean up and gets you some softer food, ''Next time, tell me (Y/N) and I can help you."

Liam (Age 6): When your tooth got loose, you made sure everyone knew about it. You wanted it to come out so the tooth fairy would come! You had heard other girls at school talking about the tooth fairy, and you wanted her to visit you too. You kept trying to pull your tooth out, but Liam always told you that you needed to wait for it to 'be ready'. You ignored his advice, and kept trying. You tried in vain, of course, until about two weeks after when finally it was so loose you thought it would fall out itself. You go up to Liam that day to ask him about it. He looks at your tooth and watches you move it around with your tongue. You could turn it around almost all the way. He laughs, and shakes his head, "Do you want me to pull it out, (Y/N)?" You nod eagerly, and he grabs the tooth, pulling it out quickly. You let out a tiny squeal, and he helps you clean up. "Is the tooth fairy going to come, Liam?" You ask him. He smiles and laughs, "It should (Y/N)! But you'll have to go to bed on time if you want her to!"

Zayn (Age 8): Your tooth wasn't loose to begin with, but you tripped at school and hit your mouth on the metal swing set bar, and it hurt. You went to the office and they helped cleaned you up, and called Zayn explaining what happened. He came to your school to pick you up about twenty minutes later. When you got out to the car, you had started to cry. Your tooth was basically already out, but it was still there. It hurt, and you didn't want to have it there anymore. Zayn looked over, "Aw (Y/N), when we get home do you want me to pull it out for you?" You nodded through your tears. When you got home, he took your tooth and pulled it out for you. It hurt, a lot, but you knew it'd be better out then in your mouth. He helped you wash out your mouth, and looked at you, "Now the tooth fairy gets to come, (Y/N)." He says, smiling. You laugh, "Okay!" You say, happily and run off to play.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2014 ⏰

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