He sees you crying and comforts you

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Louis: i was sitting in my room debating weather to check my twitter or not. A lot of fans send me hate saying I'm fat, ugly, don't deserve to be Louis's sister etc. Louis tried to stop the hate but he couldn't so he just told me to stay out of twitter, he tried to delete my account but i told him there was no need for that because the hate wasn't getting to me but the truth was the hate was getting to me! sometimes when I'm depressed i look through the comments pointing out all my flaws and i believe them. i believe every one of those tweets. today was one of these days where I'm just depressed so after a long mental argument with myself i decided to look at them. All of them pointing out a flaw in me. who knew one person can have this many flaws? i kept scrawling and scrawling though tonnes of hate until i say one that really hurt:@hater'stwittername: @Y/T/N OMG you're so ugly! no-one likes you. i even bet Louis doesn't like you, i bet he's just nice to you cuz he has too. do us all a favor and go kill yourself tears started streaming down my face. I couldn't hold it in anymore, the thought that Louis will always be there for you was the only thing holding me together but now that I know it was all an act I couldn't take it. I just sat there crying my heart out while having a mental break down until I heard a knock on the door "hay are you ok in there?" it was Louis, the last I wanted was to see him "g-go a-a-away" I stuttered between sobs, but he didn't listen. he slowly opened the door and rushed in when he saw me crying "babe whats wrong? why are you crying?" he said trying to hug me but i whimpered away at his touch, if his kindness was all an act then I'm not gonna fall for it any more. A look of hurt, confusion and shock crossed his face then he noticed my phone lying in front of me so he picked it up and read the tweet. His face turned to an expression of pure rage and anger, it seemed like he was about to punch someone. He stated clicking something and then placed the phone beside him and came forward and hugged me despite my protest "shhhh, baby its ok" he kept whispering sweet things in my ear until i finally calmed down enough to talk "you don't have to pretend anymore, i know you're only nice to my because you have to" "don't you ever think that (y/n)!! i love you more than you can ever imagine, don't you ever believe any of that hate because they're not true, you're perfect the way you are, do you understand?" I slowly nodded not fully convinced but glad that Louis does love me after all.

Niall: you were sitting in class waiting for the bell to ring so that you can go home since it was last period. After the bell rang you quickly rushed to you're locked garbing the books you need then putting it in you're back bag. you're movement had to be quick so you can get out of the school before you stumble upon Lilly and her friends. (A/N: if you're name is Lilly, I am very sorry) Lilly was pretty much you're bully, she would always say mean things and sometimes even physically hurt you. you really weren't in the mood to deal with any drama today so you really hoped you don't see her today however that hope was crushed once you saw her waiting for you in the front gate with her friends "well, well, well, look who came to join the party" she said "go away Lilly" "now whats the fun in that?" she said coming forward slapping you so hard that you fell on the floor, she then started kicking you and soon all her friends joined in. you could feel the tears starting to flow down you're face "HAY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?! GET OFF MY SISTER!!!" you could hear your brother say. Lilly and her gang soon scattered leaving you lying on the floor. You could feel strong arms under you lifting you up and pulling you closer to a warm chest. you started crying on you're brother's chest while took you to the car and started comforting you "shhh, baby its ok, you're safe now" a while later you calmed down "thanks Niall" "any time baby, now lets go get you cleaned up"

Harry:you were sitting at home watching spongebob trying to distract you're self from the painful cramps due to you having you're period. harry walked in ans sat next to you changing the channel "hay change it back! i was watching that!" you say "nope" you decided not to argue with him and just watch whatever he was watching. soon later you're cramps turned to an unbearable level of pain that you started crying "hey, hey don't cry!" he quickly changed back the channel "i changed back the channel, see" he said pointing at the TV but you just shook you're head and he hugged you "whats wrong then?" "my stomach hurts harry" you sobbed in his chest "aww,come here" he said pulling you in his lap. He started rubbing you're stomach area and watching spongebob with you. a while later the pain died out and you fell asleep in your brother's arms.

Zayn:(HIS POV) i was home alone with (y/n) while my parents were out of town. (y/n) was running around the house, her energy full to the maximum, the little three year old somehow got hold of the candy on the top shelf and ate it all, and now the little energetic girl is running around the house trying to put all the energy she has into use. i was watching TV when i herd the familiar cries of (y/n) fill my ears. I shot up the couch and rushed to the little girl was lying on the floor with a purple bruise on her head "aww, baby come here" i said picking her up "Zayniee, it hurt" she cried pointing at the bruise on her head "I know baby" i said kissing the bruise and getting a pack of ice, placing it on he head "better?" she just nodded and rested her head on my shoulder then yawned "are you tiered?" she nodded her head again closing her eyes. I quietly chuckled and went up to her bedroom. by the time i reached her room she was already asleep. I carefully put her down, covered her up then kissed her head "good night love"

Liam: you and the guys decided to spend the day at the beach. you were playing with a beach ball by the shore with the rest of the boys but when the ball was thrown at you, you weren't able to catch it so it hit the water and rolled away from the shore. sighing you told the guys you'd go get it since it was you're fault. unfortunately the wind was strong and it took the ball further into the sea.by the time you finally reached the ball you were struggling to keep you're head above the water, when suddenly something caught you're foot and started pulling you into the water. you started panicking and kicking you're feet and splashing the water around you in hope that someone would see you and come to you're rescue. you started to see black dots from the lack of oxygen when someone finally grabbed your hands and pulled you out. As soon as you reached the surface, you started gasping for air, coughing in the process. A hand was soothingly stoking you're hair while you buried you're face in you're saviors chest and started to cry "shh, its ok. you're safe now" you heard you're brother's voice say. you soon started to calm down knowing you were in the safe embrace of your brother.

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