You feel bad about being adopted

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(Age ranges from 12-14)

HARRY: You had some spare time so you decided to go through some old family albums. You were looking at some picture when you started to notice how different you looked from everyone. You didn't fit in with anyone. You felt the tears coming but you tried to hold them back. You let out a small sob before wiping your eyes. "(y/n)?" You don't move. You didn't want anyone to see you so weak. "(y/n) I can see you. What are you doing?" "Uh, just looking at some pictures," You say. "Then why are you crying?" Harry asks you. "I'm not?" You say back. "I'm not stupid. I can see the tears on your face," "Harry just stop! It's nothing!" "Ok, if you say so," He's about to walk out of the room when you blurt out "I don't fit in here," He turns around "What do you mean?" You hold up a picture. "See? You all look a lot alike. And then there's me. I look so..." "Different?" He adds. "Yeah," You choke out "Different." He puts the photo back and closes the album "Well, I think different is a great thing. And I think that you fit right in with this family," He says while hugging you.

LIAM: You were about to go out with your friends but your brother Liam was being really annoying and just kept listing a bunch of rules to follow. "Liam, I get it!" You finally say. He stops talking, "Well excuse me for not wanting my sister to get hurt!" Sister. Were you really his sister though? You were adopted. There was no blood to blood relationship between you two. "Yeah Liam save that for your real sisters," You say. He looks hurt. "You are my real sister," He says. "No Liam, I'm not. I'm your ado-" he cuts you off "real sister." He says.

LOUIS: You were on the computer searching the history of (your last name). You wanted to find out who your real parents were. "Why are you searching that?" You turn your head to see Louis standing behind you. "Because." You say. "Because why?" He asks. "Because I want to know who my family is," "But we're your family," Louis says. You completely stop what you're doing and turn to look at him. "You are my family aren't you?" You say. Louis nods and gives you a hug, "The one and only,"

NIALL: You sitting in the passenger seat of your brothers car looking out the window not really listening to what he was saying. He was picking you up from school because you got in a fight with some girls and are now suspended for a week. You thought Niall would be chill about it because you were standing up for yourself but man you were wrong. He hasn't stopped yelling at you since you got in the car. "Sometimes I can't believe I'm related to you," Did he really just say that? He knew you hates the fact that you were adopted and the thought of someone actually giving you away. "Well lucky for you I'm not." You say. "(y/n) I didn't mean it like that." "Yeah. I know what you meant," He pulls the car over. "No, (y/n) I'm sorry I was just in a really bad mood. And then I got this call and I just I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. You know I love having you as a sister," He truly did look sorry. "It's fine. I love having you as a brother too,"

ZAYN: You were waiting backstage about to perform your dance. You were super nervous. Zayn came back to see how you were doing, "Nervous?" He asks. "Just a bit!" You somewhat laugh. "Well don't worry you're a Malik, you can do this," This made you even more nervous. Truth was, you weren't a Malik. So I guess you couldn't do this. "I-I'm not a Malik though!" You say. Zayn quickly realizes what you mean. "I think you are," He says and hugs you, "Awh Zayn you messed up my hair!" He laughs. "Yup, you're definitely a Malik."

A/N - Just remeber that even though your adopted that you'll always be the same as the rest ;))))))))))))))

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