Chapter 10

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Bre's P.O.V

I'm sorry for not telling you Jay but, yes the baby is yours. Whenever me & Mike would do it, I made sure to use protection. I promise. If you don't believe me you can wait till the baby is here & get an DNA test. I said to him with an serious face. I was smarter than to get pregnant by someone else. I made SURE me & Mike used protection each and every time. " Thank God " he said wiping his tears. " I know that this is sudden Bre.. but your pregnant now.. we're having an baby together.. do me a favor and move back in with me? " he said choking in between his words. I don't know Jay.. you don't think we need our space..? I said looking at him confused. " Look , you can sleep in the guest room if you'd like.. how about that? " he asked. In that condition.. I guess I'll consider it. I said reluctantly. " So how about you start moving your stuff in tonight? it can't be too much. " he insisted. Well umm.. Im actually kind of tired tonight. actually I'm just ready to go home but I don't wanna ruin Yonca having a good time I said giggling. " How bout I go tell the boys that imma call it a early night & I go tell Yonca wassup & you can come sleep at my crib till tomorrow when we move you in ? " he asked. Yes, that's fine but I have an doctors appointment tomorrow at 1 in the afternoon. So we have to wake up early so I can go to Yonca's house in time & get dressed. " Don't even worry about it babygirl, we'll find something. " Okay. I agreed.

30 Minutes Later

Jay's P.O.V

We was walking in the house & I made my way to the kitchen to start cooking. If it's one thing I know about Bre, it's that her ass LOVES to eat. She ain't turned down a meal for as long as I've known her ( Unless it was something she didn't like. ) " Jay I wanna take a shower, you have anything that I can wear? " Yeah, you can wear some of my boxers & one my my t-shirts. " Thanks. " she replied making her way up the steps.

As Bre was getting out the shower I was just finishing dinner. " smells good. " she said smirking walking into the dinner room. Gonna taste good too, I laughed as I finished setting the table. We finally sat down and began to eat and started catching up on one another's life and after about 45 minutes of that we decided to try and watch a movie. We decided to watch The Conjuring and I swear everytime something popped up on the screen Bre was all up on a nigga I mean SCARED 😭😭😭 after the movie she started telling me about the doctors appointment tomorrow & that we get to find out the gender tomorrow. we argued over weather it would be an boy or girl. " I don't know why yo ass so excited, it's gonna be a boy & when he gets here you just gonna be an mad ass " she laughed. Nah, you gone be the mad ass when my princess gets here I said smirking. " yeah whatever. " she said as she rolled her eyes and smiled. " Jay I'm on my way to bed & you need to be too so we can be up in time tomorrow, it's already 1 in the morning. " she ordered. Okay mama. I said laughing. " Yeah whatever, goodnight big head. " she said before making her way up the steps and into the guest room.

It's almost been an hour since Bre's been sleep & a nigga still wasn't tired so I decided to play the game for awhile. Once I got tired of that I decided to go put my bed clothes on & go check on Bre. She was sleeping so beautiful, everything about her was beautiful. I truly adored her. I picked her up out of the bed and decided to put her in bed with me. I layed her in the bed and as I was about to also I began to kiss and rub her tummy. I had a child now. A priority. Something I've always wanted. I was interrupted by my thoughts when my phone began to ring. It was a private number. I picked up the phone " Who This? " I questioned. " We coming for yo ass. " the person said. " Man who the fuck is this!? " I said with anger in my voice. They laughed and hung up. Maybe that was someone just playing on my phone I thought to myself. I got in bed and layed closely next to Bre she was all up under me so I began to hold her. I kissed her on her forehead and told her I loved her. & I fell sound asleep.❤

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