♔ CHAPTER 24 . . .

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Jongin stared at Kyunsoo, who was sleeping beside him, taking in every detail of Kyungsoo's young face even though he had done that for countless of times already.

Jongin wondered how could someone hurt someone as precious as Kyungsoo. He's smart, talented in singing and cooking, and he's such a nice person. Joonmyeon was an idiot for not seeing that Kyungsoo is such a blessing in this world. Actually, Joonmyeon didn't deserve Kyungsoo. He's too precious for a jerk like Joonmyeon, who was only known for his looks and being an arrogant guy who thinks highly of himself.

Jongin might had been staring at Kyungsoo for hours already, but he will never get tired of Kyungsoo. No matter how many years would pass by, Kyungsoo would still take his breath away and Kyungsoo would still remain his favorite person ever. Someone as precious as Kyungsoo deserves to be loved eternally.

Drowsiness taking over him, Jongin leaned to plant a light kiss over Kyungsoo's forehead before tucking himself under the blanket that covered him and Kyungsoo. "Good night, hyung." he muttered before closing his eyes and letting sleep take over him.


The smell of the gym was not really appealing for Jongin. A heavy mixture of sweat, perfume, body odor, and many other smell that would just make you puke hovers on the air of that enclosed space.

When he finished all of his P.E classes, Jongin vowed never to return to that place again. But he was there again because of Kyungsoo.

It's not that Kyungsoo wanted him to come, Jongin just wanted to. He sat on the bleachers while watching Kyungsoo and his classmates play whatever game they want to play.

The events of the past few days were already making their way onto everyone in the school. The moment Kyungsoo entered the gym and joined his classmates, students whispered to each other. Some were snickering, others were looking at him with either pity or disgust.

Of course Kyungsoo didn't see that. He's the type of person that would always the ground rather than face people. Jongin clenched his fist.

Everything was fine until Kyungsoo's P.E teacher entered with another P.E teacher.

"Since Christmas break is almost upon us and we're done with our activities, today we're going to have a friendly volleyball match with Mr. Kwon's class."

As soon as he said that, Mr. Kwon's class entered the gym. The class was fine except for a small group of boys that Jongin recognized as members of Myungsoo's group. The moment they saw Kyungsoo, they snickered and called him names.

"Oh the faggot is here."

"Hello, Mr. Noodle-head."

Jongin felt his blood boil at those boys. On the other hand, Kyungsoo's head was still hanging low.

"Only two teams will play for each class. That means, 12 will play while the rest may just watch." Mr. Kwon said.

"The twist, however, is that the players for a team will be a mixture of my class and Mr. Kwon's class." Coach Tee said.

He went to the lower bleachers and grabbed a fish bowl that Jongin didn't noticed was there.

"We will choose it randomly."

And so they did. Jongin was still sitting there, praying so hard that Kyungsoo's name won't get called. It's not that he does not want Kyungsoo to play, actually scratch that. He really did not want Kyungsoo to play especially with Myungsoo's underlings were there. Jongin glared at them (even though they're not paying him attention) while the boys were obviously planning something.

"And for the last player," Coach Tee fished a paper from the bowl. "Do Kyungsoo."

"Fcking shit." Jongin cursed. He watched as Kyungsoo slowly made his way to the center of the court as the teams assembled for the game.

And as if fate was being an asshole that day, two of Myungsoo's grunts were on the opposite team and were already making fun of Kyungsoo.

The game started once the whistle was blown. Compared to his team mates, Kyungsoo was lagging behind. His stance was way too awkward and wrong for a player in the receiver position; he moved too slow; and everytime he hit the ball, it either went outside of the court or to other side already instead of passing it to the setter.

For short, Kyungsoo was a mess. Jongin made a mental note to teach Kyungsoo volleyball on their free time.

"Set it to me!" one of Myungsoo's underlings shouted to his setter, who complied to his request. He jumped as the ball went to the ideal position, and with his hand, he spiked the wall with such power and speed.

That ball went so fast that no one from Kyungsoo's team saw it fell on the ground. But that was because it didn't hit the ground. It hit Kyungsoo squarely in the face before bouncing back mid-air.

A collective gasp came from the players and the audience as well. Jongin was suddenly on his feet. Kyungsol dropped to the floor, blood dripping from his nose and lip.

"Hyung! Sht." Kyungsoo didn't respond. Adrenaline flowing in his body, Jongin quickly lifted Kyungsoo in his arms and made his way to the infirmary.


When Kyungsoo opened his eyes, Jongin had just entered the door of the clinic.

When the taller boy saw that Kyungsoo was awake already, he was surprised. But Kyungsoo was surprised either.

"What happened? Why is your face full of bruise and cuts?" Kyungsoo asked. "Have you been into a fight?"

Jongin chuckled as he sat on the chair beside Kyungsoo's bed. "Shouldn't you be worrying about yourself first? So, how are you feeling, hyung?"

Kyungsoo frowned, turning his attention to his fingers that were fiddling with the blanket. "I . . . I did not catch the ball properly."

"No. It was really aimed at your face, hyung."

Kyungsoo looked at him with a questioning look. Jongin sighed. Kyungsoo's such an innocent person.

"Those guys are with Myungsoo's group."

Realization dawned on Kyungsoo. Then he started to feel bad. By now, he should be immuned to things like that. He had experienced different nasty things for his whole life. Things like being hit by a ball on his face and being called a faggot should not affect him anymore.

But there was a tugging feeling in his chest and his lips quivered.

"You want something to eat? Chan and Baek are on their way here. I could ask them to buy something."

Kyungsoo forced a smile at Jongin, who had a concerned look on his eyes. Kyungsoo was still bothered by his bruises since he did not have those when they entered the gym earlier.

"Maybe a sandwich." his voice was croaky.

Jongin gave him a smile and patted Kyungsoo's head before proceeding to send a message to Chanyeol.

Kyungsoo lied down again, his back against Jongin, and covered himself with the blanket up to his chin. A tear slid from his eye and dropped to the pillow.

Everything was so heavy. And Kyungsoo was getting tired.

Author's Note

And this story is back! My goodness, I left this story for almost a year :( sorry for the wait.

I would like to thank all of those who are adding this to their reading lists. To those who are voting. And to those who are commenting and asking for the update.

It warms my heart that people are really looking forward for the things happening in this story.

Your kind and precious comments are so heartwarming, and aahh thank you very very much!!

This is a short update, but I'll try to make it up for the next one which will be posted soon. Thank you again for the support! ♡

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