♔ CHAPTER 1 . . .

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"Son, not now. I'm busy, okay?" Jongin's father said without even turning his head to look at him. He continued typing something in his laptop. Jongin quietly went out of his office and wandered around the hospital. He just wanted to tell him that Ihe was selected by his school to compete in the district competition in dancing.

Nothing's new since the last time he went here. His father's a doctor so he seldomly went there with him if he doesn't have classes. There are patients being carried to either the emergency room or the operating room. Some were being discharged. There are also family members sitting in the lobby. The nurses' faces were still familiar. Nothing new.

His eyes met a boy tugging at the nurse's blouse. Jongin thought that the boy was saying something to the nurse, but the latter wasn't paying any attention to him. Then he saw something glittered from the boy's eyes. He, then, realized that the boy was crying. The boy pointed and Jongin followed the direction the boy was pointing. He saw a woman, probably his mother, lying on the bench inside the looby while coughing non-stop. The cough doesn't sound normal to Jongin's ears.

Jongin ran to the nurse and shouted at her to attend the patient that does not look good. "Are you deaf or blind or something?"

The nurse raised an eyebrow at him.

"That woman's condition doesn't look good. And you," he pointed  at the nurse angrily. "Doesn't seem to care!"

"And so what? Look at them! They look like they don't have money to pay for the bills afterwards." the nurse siad with a smug look. Jongin resisted the urge the punch the tall nurse, and looked at the boy still crying beside him. His shirt is just plain. His mother's clothes as well.

"Is this all about money to you? Isn't it your job to help the needy even if they don't have anything to pay?"

"No." the nurse answered plainly. "But it is your father's job to give us our salaries."

Jongin raised an eyebrow, anger rushing in his brain. "When this is finished, I am so gonna tell dad to fire you." without turning, he quickly went back to his father's office. After some thrashing and shouting, he finally made his father out of his office and went to the woman. Jongin gave a smirk to the nurse whose face was pale.

They carried the woman to the I.C.U, and Jongin and the boy went after them but was ushered back outside for they are not allowed to went inside too. The boy sat on the chair outside of the room, burried his face in his hands and started crying. He saw tears flowing down the boy's hands. Even from their distance he could feel the boy's sadness and his love for his mother. He wanted to comfort the boy. He wanted him to stop crying and make him believe that everything will be alright, his mother will be alright. But he don't know how.He slid beside him and slowly placed his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Don't worry." his voiced cracked for he was nervous talking to the boy. "Your mother's gonna be alright."

The boy's crying weakened. He wiped his tears using his damp hands. He looked at Jongin with hope in his eyes. He smiled and said, "Thank you."

All the nervousness disappeared from his body. He wanted to be friends with boy. He doesn't want to see the boy crying again. There is something in the boy that made Jongin felt protective over the crying boy. The boy placed his head on Jongin's shoulder. And the next thing he knew, the boy was sleeping soundly. He felt a smile formed in his lips, and his eyelids felt heavy.

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