♔ CHAPTER 6 . . .

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It's been a month since Kyungsoo started to hang out with them. And Chanyeol rarely spent his lunch with Jongin. He told Jongin once that he needs to arrange some things, he didn't believe him though. He thinks that he's with that Baekhyun-boy he saw, one day, walking with him down the hallway, On the other hand, he's somewhat glad that Chanyeol didn't join the for lunch, because he have more time with Kyungsoo. Alone. And he considered themselves to be dating.

"Ya! Jongin." Kyungsoo snapped his fingers infront of Jongin's eyes.

"Huh? Wha- Are you saying something?"

Kyungsoo frowned. "I'm asking what's the name of that guy? Do you know him?"

Jongin turned to look at the direction Kyungsoo pointed. Kyungsoo was pointing at a white boy, shorter than him but older, just like Kyungsoo. "That's Joonmyeon. Kim Joonmyeon as far as I can remember. And he's also called Suho."

"Ohh, Thanks." he saw the shorter boy's cheeks turned pink and, he felt a tugging feeling in his chest, "Do you know anything about him?"

"Suho?" with the curiosity of him about Suho made the tugging feeling stronger. "Yeah."

"Really?" and Kyungsoo's big eyes sparkled and a smile formed on his heart-shaped lips.

Jongin, chest very heavy, nodded and stared at the food he's playing with his fork. "H-He's model student here. Rich, a talented singer, belongs to the top section of their year, has good looks, and the responsible student council president."

Kyungsoo eyes dropped, and said a half-heartedly "oh."

Jongin raised an eyebrow and raised Kyungsoo's chin. "Why?"

"I-It's nothing." Kyungsoo avoided his eyes. And in that moment, he knew the answer. He knew the answer, and can't bring himself to accept it. He can feel tears forming in the corners of his eyes as his realization flooded his mind.

Even if he wanted to stay with Kyungsoo for the boy looked like he's feeling down, he excused himself. Before he was out of the cafeteria, he looked back and saw Kyungsoo staring at Suho. He bit his lower lip and headed to the dance studio.

Whatever he's feeling wasn't right. He's jealous. And he knew that that wasn't right. He doesn't have the right to be jealous. But deep inside him, he wanted the boy to look at him with the same admiration. He gave a shaky laugh. He knew in himself that Kyungsoo will never look at him in that way. That night, he tried with all his might to push away the memory of Kyungsoo looking at Joonmyeon with sprakling eyes for it kept on replaying in his mind.

The next day he walked at the hallways feeling like a zombie.

"What happened to you?" Kyungsoo asked when they were walking to their first class.

"I . . . I stayed awake last night."

"Why?" the little boy's big eyes widened. "Don't tell me you're on the phone with someone? Oh my gosh! Are you dating someone already?"

"What the fuck, Kyungsoo." Jongin laughed a little. "I'm not dating anyone."

"If you're dating someone, will you tell me?" Kyungsoo looked at him with pleading eyes, and Jongin can feel color rising to his cheeks. He looked away.

"Of course I will tell you. You're my friend." Jongin answered. But deep inside what he wanted to answer was 'Of course I will tell you. Because that will be you.' but of course he didn't said that. Now that he knew who's catching the boy's attention, he can't afford Kyungsoo feeling awkward towards him.

"Uhmm Jongin?" Jongin glanced at him and noticed the boy's squishy cheeks turning pink.

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Can you do me a favor?" he asked while fumbling with his fingers.

"Of course. What is it?"

"Can you help me get closer to Joonmyeon?"

Jongin's books fell on the floor.

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