♔ CHAPTER 5 . . .

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Jongin was walking alone on the hallway that leads to the cafeteria. He's supposed to eat with Chanyeol like they used to and to make up for leaving his friend alone the other day, but as soon as the bell rang, Chanyeol was nowhere to be seen.

"That son of a bitch" Jongin muttered to himself.

"Hi, Jongin." Jongin almost jumped as a boy spoke beside him. It was Kyunsgoo.

"Don't scare me like that." Jongin placed his hand over his chest, he can feel his heart pounding fast. He took and deep breath and calm himself down.

Kyungsoo smiled, his lips arching into a heart and his big-eyes squinting. "I didn't know Mr. Cool Guy can get a heart attack just by appearing suddenly beside him?"

Jongin frowned. "Mr. Cool Guy? Where did you get that?"

Kyungsoo shrugged and smiled again. "I heard from other students, especially girls, that you're the cool and mysterious guy here."

Jongin rolled his eyes. "Don't listen to them. They're just over reacting."

"Now you're just being modest." Kyungsoo laughed.

"Now you're being nosy." Jongin wished he didn't said that, beacuse Kyungsoo's smile faltered and just stared at his foot. Jongin threw his arm around Kyungsoo's neck and rubbed his knuckles on the little boy's head. "Now you're being emotional."

Kyungsoo slapped Jongin's arms while laughing. "No! Ouchy! No! Jongin-ah, stop." the taller boy obide, Kyungsoo faced him with a frown. "Ya! You don't do that to your hyung."

Jongin's eyes widened. "You're older than me?"

The frown on Kyungsoo's forehead ceased. "Yes." he answered.

"How did you know? Then why are you shorter than me?" Jongin obviously can't believe that this guy, this guy that barely looks like fifteen, was older than him.

"I saw the date of your birth in last year's yearbook" Kyungsoo smiled, then stared at him seriously. And with a quick move of his hand, he's already grasping Jongin's wrist. "What's with my height?"

Jongin winced. "Nothing. There's nothing wrong." Kyungsoo let go of his wrist.

"Okay. That's good." Kyungsoo smiled and continued walking towards the cafeteria. Jongin rubbed his wrist that turned red from Kyungsoo's grip. He made a mental note to never, ever, joke with shorter boy's height.

"This guy can kill me." Jongin said to himself, while smiling at the thought of Kyungsoo riding his back while he was pinned on the ground.

* * * * *

As soon as the bell rang, Chanyeol packed his books in his bag and scooted outside of the room. He ran past the students heading to the cafeteria. He, as fast as he can, headed to the music room. He head inside and dropped on the floor behind the musical instruments.

He's hoping that the boy he saw the other day will go there. Even though he saw the boy's face not longer than a minute, his image was imprinted inside Chanyeol's memory. He smiled at the thought of it. As he wait, he's practicing his sorry speech for letting Jongin eat alone. But he thought that they were even already. Jongin left him for Kyungsoo the other day, and now he left him alone for this new boy he wanted to meet. He's such a good friend.

And something struck in his brain. He's becoming like Jongin. His friend that let him alone just to accompany the boy he's fallen for. And he's doing just the same! His heart stammered fast under his chest. He pushed the thought aside. No! He just wanted to be friends with the new boy. There's nothing worng with having friends with the people that has the same interest as his.

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