♔ CHAPTER 8 . . .

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"You're Kyungsoo, right?" Kyungsoo almost dropped the lyrics he was reading when Joonmyeon appeared by his sides.

"Wha-? Ha . . ." His face turned crimson red, and he hated himself for stuttering.

Joonmyeon giggled, and Kyungsoo has to stare at the papers he was holding to avoid blushing even more, if that was possible, due to Joonmyeon's smile. "My name is Joonmyeon. Kim Joonmyeon." he stretched his hands.

Kyungsoo, heart pounding inside his chest and face really red, stretched his hands too. "Kyungsoo. Do Kyungsoo."

It was 5 in the afternoon and the bell rang an hour ago. Kyungsoo went directly from his homeroom to the music club for club activities. He joined the club a few weeks ago after Jongin told him that he signed him in. And that was the first time Kyungsoo had a conversation with Joonmyeon,a lthough he really wanted to talk to him the moment he entered the room, but he can't bring himself to talk to Joonmyeon without passing out. Just a mere smile or look from the said boy can make Kyungsoo miss all the notes and spoil the composition.

"Are you busy?" Joonmyeon asked, killing the silence that fell between them. Kyungsoo didn;t really trust his mouth to speak so he just shook his head. "Do you want to eat with me? It's still early and I don't want to go home yet."

"Su. . . sure, why not. " Kyungsoo really hated himself for stuttering.

Joonmyeon beamed and grabbed Kyungsoo's hand and they broke into a run. A jolt ran through his body at the contact they made. "I know this great place."

Kyungsoo could literally die at that moment.

* * * * *

" What are you doing here? " Jongin blurted out when he opened the door one weekend and saw Kyungsoo standing by the doorway with his eyes wandering around.

Kyungsoo beamed. " Hi, Jongin-ah. Are you surprised? "

" Ahh . . . yes? Come in. " Jongin stepped aside, letting the shorter boy in. As soon as he stepped in, his eyes started to wander around. From the golden ceiling down to the marble floor.

" Is this a house or a castle? " he ran his hands over the smooth marble column.

" You're exaggerating things, Kyunggie. " Jongin said, rubbing the back of his head and blushing.

" I'm serious, Kim Jongin. " that time, he was tracing the designs of the staircase with his delicate fingers. Jongin couldn't help but chuckle as he stare at the older boy who was craning his head just to look around.

" Let's just go to my room. " Jongin grabbed him by the wrist and led him upstairs. Jongin made a couple of rights and lefts before stopping in front of a door with an American dance crrew's logo pasted on it.

" I think I'm going to have a hard time getting out. " Kyungsoo said while examining the portrait nailed at the wall opposite of the room.

" Don't worry. I won't let you out alone. " Jongin smiled as he entered the room. " Sorry for the mess though. " Jongin blushed and Kyungsoo can't help but chuckle as the situation of Jongin's room sipped in him. The blankets and bed are unmade, a laptop sitting on top of it. The drawers are left opened, exposing the garments and stuff in it. Some of the younger boy's clothes and underwears are littered all over the room's floor.

Jongin made his way to his queen-sized bed, carefully picking his way from all the mess.

" Pororo boxer briefs? Seriously, Jongin-ah? " Kyungsoo laughed, lifting and stretching the boxer brief he picked from the mess. Jongin, alarmed, quickly ran across the room to snatch the underwear from Kyungsoo who was still by the door. Unfortunately, his feet got strangled at an unknown clothing. He tripped and fell . . . on top of Kyungsoo.

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