Chapter 2

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'Praeses Amelia, Peter called. He said Emily ran out of the house so they will be running a bit late.' 'Thank you, Katie you can get back to work now.' As usual Amelia was busy, she had to get her soldiers prepared for war, but it wasn't that easy. She had a special group of teenagers, Emily's age, trained to be Emily's bodyguards. 'How is the squad training?' Amelia asked Chad, the head of the training unit. 'They are ready; Sam has also agreed to train Emily.' Chad answered with pride. Amelia let out a sigh of relief 'Chad thank you so much, it would not have been possible without you. I Knew you could handle the task.' 'Praeses Amelia' Chad bowed and walked out of the room. This is it, my chance to get everything right with Emily Amelia thought looking out the window, looking at Caelum.

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'Dad, I Never meant to hurt you I was just mad so I ran away, I am so sorry' Emily was now sitting next her father crying in his arms. 'I don't blame you Em, it is a lot to take in. Are you ready to hear the truth?' He reassured her. 'I'm ready'

'We belong to a city called Caelum. No human has ever found Caelum I must add on. Caelum is in the mesosphere, it is also invisible to earthlings. We are faster, wiser, stronger, healthier and advanced than humans. Caelum has a leader, called the Praeses. When Caelum was built a man took charge to run and manage the city, he was your ancestor. Since then the post has been handed over to their child. If more than one child the Praeses will choose which one is fit. When it came to your grandfather he had to choose between your mother and her elder sister. Your mother is sweet, soft and a responsible person while you aunt is a power greedy, evil and self-centred person.' 'So, he chose mom' 'Yes, your mother and I were in the same class during school. From there we fell in love and got married. When your mother was expecting you, we hosted a baby shower. Your aunt was so jealous she came and cursed your mother. She said that her first born child will have the power to bring objects to life.' 'If I had the curse I should be able to make things come to life, right? So, if I touch this teddy it will come to life.' Emily picked up the teddy bear right next to her father's pillow and held in her hands. Suddenly she started saying 'olm ni shalet compra ve comad'. 'Emily? Are you Okay?' Emily felt like her energy had been drained. The teddy bear now started yawning and curled up in Emily's lap 'Dad, have I ever done that before?' 'Yes dear, you have. We had no choice but to remove your memory.' Emily got up, taking the teddy in her arms and said, 'Dad I need some time alone but I think I'll be ready to go.'


After meeting Emily, Melissa decided to take a walk around her street for the last time. she looked all the places she went when she was small. the ice-cream parlour she and Emily went when they needed a break, the Starbucks joint which was their favourite place because they were there every day. Melissa thought of school, her friends. she stopped in front of the shooting range. when she was 13 her father brought her here. he taught her how to shoot. since then she came here every Saturday

Melissa slid past her house door, trying not to draw attention. She could see her parents sitting in their room. her mother had her head on her father's shoulder and was asking him 'oh Richard, do you think we did the right choice?' 'of course, we did Steph, look at her! she is beautiful like her mother, black belt in karate and taekwondo, she is a warrior. we should be getting ready though, peter said we'll be leaving soon.' they got up. Richard planted a kiss on his wife's forehead. 'we are going to alright Steph' he reassured her. 'mum? dad? I'm home' Melissa walked in her parent's room, 'I'm ready to leave everything behind because all I need is you guys.' 'Mel, we love you very much you know that right.' Stephanie was on the verge of crying.' Okay hate to break the mother-daughter reunion because we need to leave.' Richard smiled at him picking up some bags. 'I haven't packed, remember I just got here' Melissa said with a hint of sarcasm. 'Don't worry, I packed your bags and books, your stuff is being transported as we speak.' her mother said proudly 'so what are the bags for?' Melissa asked, afraid of the answer 'guns for protection. we will be transported outside the city for security measures. so, we have to walk about a kilometre before we reach Caelum.' her father said. Melissa was not sure if she was happy or sad 'Okay, let's take this show on the road.' Melissa said looking back at the house then jogged to catch up with her parents.

Emily was so glad to see Melissa. 'Okay, everyone takes a gun.' Richard said. 'And use it only if needed.' peter completed the sentence. 'hi, I'm Chad. Head of the training department and with me is Lindsay, the portal maker. So, are you ready?' 

This chapter is like 900 words.  Like Woah!  Huge achievement for me!

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I will update some next week.

Till then........................

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