Chapter 3

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  Emily was the first to walk in the portal with her father and Chad. all she could see was a blueish purple colour and then she suddenly fell. she could feel fresh green grass and she got up. The city was at a distance but looked beautiful. 'whoa' Melissa said from behind her. 'yup whoa, this is the farming area. the portal area is closed but that place is like amazing' Lindsay started babbling.

they started walking up a steep hill and somehow Lindsay was still talking. Emily had taken out her MP3 and was listening to music and Melissa was listening to an audio book. They all had to cancel their Sim cards so nobody will track their Sims. after five minutes chad, irritatingly said 'Okay Lindsay we get it you can be quiet now.'

When they reached the city gates saw the protection bubble. 'you might want to keep your mouth shut while passing the bubble' warned chad then he walked through it towards the security checking. everyone had passed through but Emily. she was feeling nervous and afraid of what will be on the other side. when she walked through the bubble she felt a cold wave. then she proceeded to the security check-in. 'is this necessary?' Emily asked Melissa. 'Well if your crazy aunt would not have been planning to kidnap you or worse KILL you then no but since she is, yes.' 'thanks for the sarcasm' Emily said with a groan, 'Em don't worry it will be alright, what could be the worst thing that could happen? one of us dying but with so much protection that can't happen.' Melissa said with the purpose to cheer her up. turning around Emily started replying 'I know right we will be-' Emily froze. before her eyes was the woman she had not seen for twelve years. the colour from Emily's face faded instantly. 'Em? You look like you have seen a ghost.' Melissa said, 'that because I have.'

Melissa was confused but when she turned around she realized what Emily meant. 'Amelia! it's been so long since I have seen you.' Melissa mother, Stephanie said with excitement 'Well the last time we met was at the Christmas party in the presidential tower.' Amelia said. Amelia and Stephanie were getting along as they were best friends.

Emily cleared her throat and said very innocently 'mum?'. Amelia looked at Emily and started smiling 'Emily sweetheart' 'oh my god mum! 'Emily walked towards her mother and hugged her. 'I thought you would be mad at me.' Amelia's voice was shaking badly. 'No to have you back on my side is a miracle.' Peter cleared his throat and said. 'We need to take these girls.'

Emily was feeling sad, nervous and confused at the same time. I need to get out of here she thought but then and a wave of tiredness washed over her maybe tomorrow. Today I just need to sleep. the car slowly stopped in front of a huge mansion with about a hundred stairs. 'We are not the only ones living here. there are four kids your age who live here too.' Amelia said to her while getting off the car. 'there is Sam, Sam's twin Chloe, Oliver and Jessica. When I became praeses their parents were captured and killed for a message.' they had started walking up the stairs Emily could see her mother's eyes watering. 'I felt like their death was my responsibility so I took them in and anyway this place is huge. what will I do here alone?' 'Where will Melissa live?' Emily asked with a very worrisome tone. 'She will be living with us' Amelia said happily 'it was the least I could do. Looks like we are here.' Emily was shocked by the height of the door. it was double her size. 'Emily realised she was alone with her mother and the car Melissa got into had not arrived. 'Where is everyone?' Emily asked curiously 'Richard took Melissa and Stephanie to his parents' house for the night and your father has gone to work, he will return soon.'

When the door opens there was a boy about Emily age. 'Welcome home Amelia.' he said, 'thank you Oliver, this is-' 'Emily Smith, born on the 14th April 2000.' Oliver Interrupted. Emily was dazed 'How do you know my birthday?' 'We get a holiday that day and everyone remembers holidays.' Oliver smirked. 'You have a point I remember the holidays except I have no idea about the holidays on this planet.' Emily said feeling a bit sad. There was silence. 'Okay Oliver find everyone else and tell them Emily has arrived and to tell the cooks to start preparing the dinner, Peter will be coming soon. I'm going to show Emily the house.' Amelia instructed. 'Sure Amelia.' Oliver obeyed and walked away.


After walking around for 10 minutes (it felt somewhat like an hour) they reached Emily's room. 'So, this is your room. It's a kind of a suite though' Amelia opened the door which led to a lounge. 'So, this is the common room. There are three rooms in this suite. One is the study or library, one is your room and the other is Melissa's.' Emily dropped her backpack on the floor. She was speechless. 'it is amazing, thank you' these were the only words she could find.'

Chloe. Jessica, Sam and Oliver were in Chloe's room. Sam was sitting on a chair with his feet on Chloe's desk, Jessica on the beanie bag with a book in her hand in her and Chloe on her bed What does she look like?' Jessica said curiously. They sent Oliver to open the door knowing is amazing describing and drawing skills. 'She is beautiful I must say' he said with a creepy smile, leaning against the door. Chloe took this opportunity to throw a pillow at him and commented 'We need to teach you how to smile. Anyway, please continue.' 'She has coffee brown hair, about 5.2 feet tall and is smart.' Oliver glowed like he just did something award-winning. 'She sounds alright' Sam murmured. 'Anyway, I'm leaving' Oliver got up and left. 'I'm going to find Emily and give her a tour.' Chloe said while getting up. 'I'll join you after I finish my book.' Jessica shouted. Sam looked around and said, 'Since everyone is leaving I'm going to write songs.'

. Emily was on her bed, unpacking her clothes. 'Well I need money and an excuse for leaving can be sightseeing? How is does running away look so easy in the movies?' Emily was so busy thinking out loud she did not notice a blond girl near her door. 'Knock-knock' The girl said smiling. 'Um... Can I help you?' Emily asked. 'I'm Chloe. I came to say hello. Oliver told us you arrived.' 'Oh. well, I'm Emily.' She had no idea what to say so she said the first the first thing that came to her mind. Chloe went and sat beside her. 'Are you excited for the ceremony tomorrow?' Chloe asked casually 'what ceremony?' 'Oh. My. God. You really know nothing about Caelum.' Emily nodded in agreement. Chloe decided to continue teaching Emily all the basics. 'When a child turns 13 they get this necklace or ring or bracelet called traproeal. Girls get rings with necklaces and the boys get rings with bracelets. Since you and your friend have been on earth at the time, Amelia is getting the ceremony done tomorrow. Any questions?' 'Where is yours' Chloe showed her an emerald blue stone necklace. 'That looks so beautiful.' Emily said. Chloe's phone pinged. 'We have been called to the dining room. Peter has arrived. Since you can't transport we will walk.'

After five minutes, they reached the dining room. When they walked in she saw her mother, her father, Oliver, a girl with indigo coloured hair and a boy who looked like Chloe but had jet black hair. 'Emily' Oliver said 'Oliver' Emily replied both smiling at each other. 'I'm Jessica. I was going to come and meet you but really had to finish my book.' the girl said. 'Did you have to?' the boy said. 'it's okay. I understand that feeling.' Emily said to Jessica and looked at the boy and said, 'You must be Sam.' 'correct and you are Emily.' he said rudely. 'Sam' Chloe scowled. 'Chloe that is no way you talk to your elders.' Sam smiled 'You are not older than me. You were born a minute before me.' 'well I'm still the eldest' Oliver added.' 'then who is the youngest.' Emily asked. Jessica replied 'you are. We are already sixteen, you are about fifteen and 11 months. Oliver was born on the 2nd of December. Sam and Chloe on 31 December and I was born on the 20th of January.'' "look at you all getting along," Amelia said smiling.

After dinner, everyone went to their respective rooms. Emily was missing Melissa a little too much. She lay down on her bed looking at a photo. The photo was of her mother holding her as a baby. She found it in a box hidden in her father's closet and had stolen it for a reminder. Emily put the photo back underneath her pillow and thought of the traproeal ceremony. 

 Hurray! Caelum is also #33 in Adventure! Thank you all so much. 

Till then....

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