Making Memories Of Us [:L Lawliet:]

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Merci Sullivan wasn’t the most dependent girl on the planet. She had such a fiery spirit that not one person she knew could balance her out. Or so she thought. Some of her best friends could be in the running… If they ever got a clue, that was. L Lawliet, Matsuda, Misa Amane, and Chief Yagami were some of her closest friends, as strange as it might sound.

At first glance, Merci wasn’t that special. She had short dark hair, a short stature, and pale silvery eyes. Her speech patterns reflected a dedicated love and passion for Shakespeare. She was just an average girl. However, after a couple of conversations, most people knew she was different. Her memory was astounding. As a common word, she had a photographic memory. But, in real definition, Merci had an eidetic memory. Every last thing she heard, saw, or read was stored away in her memories.

Now, she wasn’t proud of this. She hated it. Her memory made her a high risk target for kidnappings, and other such things. This is how she came to know the supposed “Kira Task Force.” Having known her from Whammy House as a child, L knew about her memory capacity. But Merci didn’t exactly expect it when he randomly showed up at her door that night...

~Six Weeks Earlier~

“Miss Sullivan?” came the light, soft voice from behind her door. Merci had been asleep, until the knock on her door pulled her from her stupor. She tossed her blanket over her shoulder, and pulled the door open.

“Who in their right mind has the audacity—“ her words were cut short whenshe finally took notice of the figure outside her doorway. Approximately 5’10, dark hair, pale skin, and the deepest onyx eyes; there was only one person on the planet who fit that description. L Lawliet had come knocking on her door, at 3:27 in the morning.

He looked over her and snickered. “Who has the audacity… To what, exactly?” he quipped.

“…Has the audacity to call me from my slumber at such an early hour as this, of course.” Her snarky attitude came through loud and clear to the slouchy genius. He skimmed over her outfit quietly, taking her mussed hair into account.

“Well, this will probably be the only time I get to see the cute little penguin pajamas you wear, correct?” He poked her side lightly, tugging her blanket back around her shoulders. He then took on a rather serious air, and Merci snapped to attention, realizing he had a real purpose.

“Alright, Ryu. Why did you really come here?” She asked, noting to use the shortened form of thestreet name that he went by.

“You should know by now, Merci. I have ventured forth to seek your help. I assume you know at least a little of the case of the serial murders by Kira?” he looked at her, eyes portraying no joke, or lighthearted matter.

She froze. Completely. While she had known L since she was a young girl, she had no idea she would ever be able to work side by side with him. “I have.” She replied, her voice as cold as stone.

“And now, you can more than likely predict my next question. Miss Merci Sullivan, would you honor the Task Force by joining our efforts to thwart the villain of the times?” he spoke in a perfect Shakespearean vernacular (Speech pattern, if you didn’t know.) and phrased his invitation eloquently. The only motion Merci could muster was a slight nod of her head, to indicate her approval of the idea.

“Alright. I shall leave you to pack, and shall return within an hour’s stretch of time. Until then, adieu.”

Merci stood motionless in her spot for a few moments, letting the news sink in. She slowly came back to life, absently packing up her few belongings. A skirt here, a necklace there. The only picture left from a house fire. As the time passed, she became more and more aware of what she had signed up for. Another knock at the door yet again pulled her out of her thoughts.

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