Pet Play

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When Jimin tells Yoongi someday that they need to talk, more specifically about their sex life – well… more specifically about something Jimin wants to try out for the longest time now - the older is not as surprised as he probably should be.

Especially when he hears Jimin’s rather unusual, rather grand request.

“You want to try pet play,” he deadpans, watching rather curiously as his boyfriend leans away from him slightly where they are seated on the comfortable couch in Yoongi’s recording studio, chewing on his plump bottom lip, hands twisting the hem of his shirt in nervousness. The cherry red-haired boy gives a short, curt nod.

“Pet play, as in you not only dress up as an animal, you practically slip into the skin – or fur – of that animal for several hours, going without all human traits, to give yourself over to your carnal instincts and animalistic parts of your personality for the time being.”

Yoongi is practically just repeating Jimin’s words now, but this is really new to him and he wants to make sure that he got everything right.

Jimin nods again, a little reassured when Yoongi reaches out and takes his hand, linking their fingers together. At least he is not running away. Jimin knows that his wish might sound a little odd at first, especially to people who are new to it.

“But why do you want to go to such an extreme? It’s more than just wearing a pair of cat ears and acting cute for me, right?”

Yoongi is genuinely interested and he thinks he might be getting an idea of what Jimin seeks with this, but he wants to make sure.

“It’s just… my way of escape, I guess. It’s not easy to be an idol, we both know that better than everybody else, and sometimes it becomes so stressful, our busy schedule, the gossip, keeping up the image and so on, and so on. It’s… it’s especially hard when people out there are not satisfied with our work and lash out on us, like I know there are not many of them, and all the positive feedback outweighs the negative, but it still gets to me. A lot. As a human, you have so much responsibility. You have to take care of so much. You have to worry about so much. So I thought – because I’ve never tried this, I have never felt comfortable enough to share this with anybody, until I met you – I thought it must be nice to switch the human with the animal, only for a few hours, just to let go completely for once and get a break from my reeling thoughts, because the animalistic nature is not about the mind but rather about instincts and mere sensations, scent, taste, arousal. I… I think it would be really relaxing. I think it could really help me, to deal with the stress that sometimes gets too much and too overwhelming.”

Yoongi is really not surprised. Jimin has that tendency, of being impulsive and giving in to his instincts, but the hints were so subtle, they were easy to miss and Yoongi didn’t catch on until now. Yoongi thinks back, on every time Jimin licked his boyfriend’s fingers clean after a meal or the cum off of his body, how he sometimes nuzzled his head against Yoongi’s shoulder, not using his words but rather telling him with a simple whine that he wants some cuddles, how content he looked, draped over Yoongi’s legs, arching up into his touch when the rapper rubbed his stomach or pat his hair just like he would do with his pet, almost purring whenever Yoongi stroked behind his ears.

He imagines Jimin in all this situations, but with a pair of fluffy ears on top of his head and a tail swinging behind him. It would fit. Jimin would look so good.

Yoongi is still not entirely sure what exactly Jimin wants – how he’s going to act as an animal, how he wants to be treated, what Yoongi’s position is going to be – but he trusts Jimin and it seems to be really important to the younger.

If it’s what he needs, to feel seated and get the stress out of his system, Yoongi is of course not going to deny him that.

Besides, the two of them always figure something out to make it work in the end. They are going to be fine.

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