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Carrie Marie Underwood, she signed, taking a deep breath as she clicked the pen shut.

"There you go." She planted the pen down on the table roughly, slid her chair back, and exited the room-making sure to slam the door as she left.

Exiting the building, Carrie cursed herself as tears started to slide down her face. She shouldn't be crying, he didn't deserve her tears.

She wiped them off and kept her eyes on the ground so people wouldn't see her. She put her sunglasses on and quickly made it to her car.

"Carrie, Carrie wait up." Matt ran after her, grabbing her arm as she reached her car.

"What? What could you possibly want?" Carrie shouted, her sadness turning to anger as soon as she spoke.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry again. I'm really sorry." Matt said sincerely.

"Yeah? Well its too bad because sorry doesn't cut it anymore. You should have been saying sorry the day you kissed that bitch for the first time." Carrie opened her car door and got in.

"Wait." Matt stopped her from shutting the door and held it open with his body. "I know you're never going to forgive me, but I just want you to remember that I'm sorry. I'm deeply and truly sorry."

"K." Carrie snapped, turning her car on.

"Oh and just a little FWI, I don't know if you're still screwing around with her or not, but I don't want her anywhere near my daughter. And if I found out she is, I won't hesitate to get full custody and make sure you never see her again." Carrie flashed him a big cheeky smile and slammed her car door shut. She sped out of the parking lot, patting herself on the back for standing up for herself and giving him attitude like that.

She didn't make it far, she pulled back over at the other end of the parking lot and broke down. She couldn't be strong any longer. She may have put up a strong face in front of him, but inside her heart was crushing into a thousand pieces.

Screaming, she hit the steering wheel angrily as her few tears turned into uncontrollable sobs. She let her head fall onto the wheel and sobbed into her hands.

How did this happen? How had she let this happen? A year. He'd been sleeping with another girl for an entire year before she found out. She was completely clueless until she walked in early from a trip to find him screwing some 20 year old blonde in their bed.

And now, she was thirty two years old and as of today, she was divorced.

Carrie was pulled out of her thoughts by her phone ringing. She wiped her face off and tried to pull herself together before answering.


"Hey, how are you holding up?" Carrie heard her best friend's voice on the other end of the line and smiled.

"I'm okay." She sniffled.

"Yeah, that's crap. I know you better than that Care." Ivey said directly.

"I'm okay. I just, I need some time to think and be alone. I really need to go to the grocery store. It'll help me clear my head, I need to be alone for a little bit. Then I'll come your way. I'm gonna need a strong glass of red wine tonight." Carrie sighed, pulling out of the parking lot.

"Well you know I can't turn that one down." Ivey chuckled. "Anyways, I really called because Maddy's been begging for a cupcake and I didn't want you to kill me for giving her one before lunch."

"Yeah, she can have one. It's a hard day."

"She doesn't even know what happened today Care" Ivey laughed. Carrie's six year old daughter sat beside her carefully icing cupcakes.

"Shut up, it's still a hard day." Carrie protested, now laughing as well. "I'll be by to pick her up in a bit. Thank you again for watching her, don't know what I'd do without you girl."

"You know she's welcome here anytime. She's such a good helper." Ivey patted Maddy's back as she worked hard on the cupcake in front of her.

Ivey absolutely loved watching Maddy. Maddy was like the daughter she'd never have. Three years ago Ivey and Mark had found out she couldn't have kids and ever since then, they'd taken Maddy under their wing as her second parents whenever Carrie needed them.

"She certainly loves you and helping out, maybe she'll be a baker one day." Carrie grinned. She pulled into the parking lot of whole foods. "Anyways I'm at the store, I'll see you guys in a bit. Bye!"

She touched up her makeup and wiped away the smudged mascara so she'd look presentable and then headed into the store. Grocery shopping always made her happy and helped her get her mind off things.

Her mind clouded with thoughts, she buzzed through the isles of the store not paying much attention. She kept her eyes towards the ground in hopes of no one recognizing her when she felt herself bump straight into someone.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry I-" she started to say as she looked up.

Standing in front of her was a man she hadn't seen in years. She froze straight in her tracks with her mouth wide open.


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