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"Are you sure you're okay to do this?"

"Carrie I'm positive. Mark and I can handle things. Maddy will be fine without you." Ivey assured her best friend.

"I know but-"

"No buts. Go. You two need this." Ivey repeated for the hundredth time. She continued to urge Carrie out the door.

"Alright Alright, I'm going. Just please call me if you need anything and we'll come straight home. Don't hesitate." Carrie sighed, still nervous.

"Don't worry, they're both in good hands. Now go before you change your mind again."

Carrie grabbed her bag and blew Maddy one last goodbye kiss.

"Take care of my girls please." She said, stepping outside.

"You know I always do." Ivey smiled, hugging her best friend. She pushed her out the door towards her fiancé and winked. "You kids have fun."

"Ready?" Mike asked, taking the blonde's bag from her and helping her into the car.

"I guess." She glanced back at the house one more time before getting into the car.

"Maddy's going to be fine Carrie, she's healing so fast. She'll be okay without us for two days. You know that Ivey will take great care of her." Mike assured his wife.

Since the accident, Carrie had become very overprotective of Maddy. It had been almost a month since they'd come home from the hospital, but Carrie still didn't like to hardly let Maddy out of her sight. She still wasn't one hundred percent, but she was healing quickly and slowly getting back to normal.

Ivey insisted that Carrie and Mike get some space after being cooped up in the house so much as well as being knee deep in wedding planning. They needed one last get away before the big day in just four months and they decided there wasn't a better opportunity than the 2 year anniversary of the day they got back together.

"I know, I just don't want anything to happen to her." She frowned.

Mike hopped in the car and leaned over to kiss her. He pulled away with a smile. "She'll be great."

"Don't worry about her all weekend. This is our weekend, this is for you. Just let yourself relax."

"I know I know, I'm sorry. I'll stop complaining." Carrie laughed. "I'm excited."

Mike pulled out of the driveway, intertwining his hand with Carrie's as he headed out.

It took the couple about an hour to get to Carrie's lakeside cabin. Unfortunately they didn't get up there much because of their busy schedules, so it was always a treat to go. Mike had only been two times.

When they arrived, they unpacked all their stuff and headed straight for the lake.

Carrie didn't know why, but she suddenly felt self conscience about her body when she went to take her coverup off. She didn't feel confident about her post baby body yet, she hadn't lost all the weight yet and still felt fat. She knew Mike didn't care, he always complimented her body but assured her he didn't love her for her body, but her heart.

"Want to go swimming?"

Carrie hesitated, letting the coverup fall back down.

"What's wrong?" He asked, reading her nervous expression.

She shrugged, not wanting to tell him that she was embarrassed and scared over such a little thing.

"Are you afraid to take off your coverup?" Mike raised his eyebrow in question. Although Carrie didn't answer, Mike knew the answer. "Are you still worried about your weight? Is that what it is?"

"I don't know, kinda." Carrie mumbled. "It's stupid, I know. I just-"

"Care" Mike stepped forward and took hold of her hands. "You know that I will always think you are the most gorgeous woman in the world whether you weigh one hundred pounds or five hundred pounds. So maybe you haven't lost all the weight as fast as you did with Maddy, but a lot has happened. We're engaged, I watch you change clothes every day, it's not like we're back in high school and I've never seen you in a bathing suit before."

"I think you're beautiful just the way you are." Mike whispered in her ear, sending chills down her spine. He gripped the bottom of her coverup and slid it over her body with ease as he smirked. "How about you just take it all off?"

"Mike!" Carrie giggled, pushing him away before he could get to the strings of her top. "There might be other people around. Later."

"I love you" He popped a kiss on her forehead and then threw her over his shoulder in one swift motion.

"Mike! Mike put me down!" She screamed, beating on his back as he took off towards the lake. Mike ignored his squealing wife and ran into the lake, throwing her into the deep water.

"Michael Andrew!" She screamed, pushing her tangled hair out of her face as she rose up. "How dare you?!"

"You love me" He cooed, swimming over to her. He picked her up off the ground and place his hands under her bottom. Carrie wrapped his legs around his waist and looped her arms around his neck.

"You're lucky you're hot Fisher."

Mike just grinned, kissing her softly.

"I can't wait to call you Mrs. Fisher." Mike said softly.

"Just four more months." Carrie cooed excitedly. "I can't wait."

"Me either, even though I forget that we aren't actually married yet half the time." Mike laughed.

"Me too." Carrie giggled. "We might as well be, nothing is going to be any different afterwards."

"Ivey was right, I really needed this." Carrie said, running her fingers through Mike's hair.

"I know you did." Mike grinned, squeezing her bottom. "We haven't had time to ourselves in years it feels like."

"I know, I'm sorry. That's my fault. I've just been so caught up with Maddy and-"

"Hey, Shh. I didn't mean it like that." Mike brought one hand up to caress Carrie's face, slowly moving in to kiss her. "I love you."

Carrie smiled against his lips, letting the kiss deepen as his tongue took dominance.

"Let's take this inside" She managed to whisper in his ear as she felt him slip his hand into her bottoms.

"Oh God" Carrie cursed, moaning into Mike's mouth as he slipped a finger into her.

Mike lifted her out of the water, discarding her top in the process as he carried her into the house. The two hadn't had anytime to themselves practically since Charlotte was born, so they obviously hadn't had much time to be intimate.

They spent the rest of the day tossing and turning under the sheets making up for lost time, had a romantic dinner on the dock, and ending up back in the bedroom to finish what they'd started.

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