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"Miss Underwood, are you ready to meet your daughter?" A young blonde nurse poked her head in the room.

Carrie shook her head, pressing her hand against her forehead harder in hopes it would calm the pain.

"I can't." She panted. She laid with her eyes shut taking slow deep breaths. The pain burning through her body seemed to be just as bad as it had been during labor. "It hurts so much."

"It's okay, Shh. Just take deep breaths." Mike tried to assure her. He was now laying beside Carrie with his arm around her, gently rubbing her arm to help her relax. She was lying completely still with her eyes closed as she tried to take deep breaths. After a total of twenty six hours in labor and two hours of pushing, Carrie was completely exhausted and her body felt like it had been hit by a train. All she wanted to do was sleep and wait for the horrible pain in her body to go away.

Carrie took a deep breath and finally opened her eyes after a couple minutes. "Okay, I think I can see her now. Help me sit up please."

"Ow, ah. Ouch." Carrie shrieked loudly and tensed up as she tried to change positions and sit up.

"It hurts." She mumbled, leaning her head against Mike's chest.

"I know princess I know." He ran his fingers through her hair and kissed the top of her head. "But it's only going to get better, you made it through the hardest parts. It's just going to take some time for the soreness to go away."

The door opened again and Dr. Robbins entered the room with a little bundle of pink in her arms.

"Charlotte Marie, born at 8:42pm on April 16th. 8 pounds, 13 ounces and 20 inches long. Congratulations Carrie, she's beautiful." Dr. Robbins smiled, placing her in Carrie's arms.

"Hi sweetheart." Carrie cooed, taking the little girl into her arms. Her little face was peeping out from the big pink blanket that swallowed her tiny body.

Carrie gently placed her finger over Charlotte's tiny hand and felt her try and grab Carrie's finger. Carrie was instantly in love. Tears filled her eyes and all the pain became irrelevant.

"She looks just like you Carrie." Mike squeezed her shoulders.

Carrie blushed, looking up at her fiancé with tears in her eyes.

"I love you so much." She whispered.

"I love you more." Mike kissed her forehead and smiled. "I'm so proud of you."

Carrie just smiled, leaning her head back against his chest and snuggling closer to him.

"Miss. Underwood, what have you decided for Charlotte's last name?" A nurse who was busy plugging information into the computer in the corner asked.

"Uh" Carrie stuttered, her heart starting to beat faster. She hesitantly looked up at Mike. "Can it be Fisher?"

"I would love that." Mike smiled, his heart fluttering.

"Thank you." Carrie cooed softly. Mike kissed the top of her head.

"I'm serious, thank you for everything Mike. You stayed with me while I was pregnant with another man's baby and treated her like she was your own. You put up with my screaming and tears for the past two days and never left my side or complained once. You kept me going when I thought I couldn't do it anymore. I really couldn't have gotten through this without you. Thank you."

"Of course Carrie, I would never abandon you. I love you and Charlotte and Maddy more than anything in the world and I'm more than honored to be Charlotte's father. I'm just glad that I could be here for you during this. I'm so proud of you, you did amazing Carrie. You're the toughest and strongest person I've never met. I can't wait to marry you. I love you so much princess." Mike pulled Carrie closer into her arms and kissed her softly. He put his hand on top of Carrie's who was still holding Charlotte's little hand.

Charlotte let out a cry, fluttering her eyes open for the first time.

"Hi sweet girl, welcome to the world." Carrie cooed, unable to take her eyes away from her daughter. She was completely in love. She had hazel eyes just like Carrie and a little bit of blonde hair on her tiny head.

Carrie smiled, looking up at Mike with nothing but love, and happy tears of course, in her eyes.

"You were right, she was worth it."

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