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"Wow, you look beautiful sweetheart."

"Thanks Dad" Carrie blushed, taking the last few steps towards him. Carrie could hear the music begin on the other side of the large doors in front of them.

"Are you ready?" Stephan asked, smiling at his youngest daughter. "You've been waiting for this day since you were fourteen."

Carrie smiled to herself. He was right, this was the moment she'd been dreaming about since the day Mike asked her to be his girlfriend when she was only fourteen. She never dreamed that it would actually come true after all that had happened.

"I'm ready."

"He's a good man Carrie, I'm glad you have him." He said, rubbing Carrie's arm lightly. Carrie's heart fluttered slightly. Her father had never been the sentimental and mushy type. He'd never said much about any of her relationships, so hearing that meant the world coming from him.

"I think this is our cue." Stephan looped arms with his daughter and smiled when he heard the music change.

"Don't let me fall." Carrie whispered, squeezing his hand as the doors opened wide.

Just in front of them, Maddy was walking down the isle throwing small red rose petals. Carrie almost cried at the sight of her. Only five months had passed since the accident. There were days when Carrie wasn't even sure that she would make it out of the hospital alive, but now, Maddy was finally back to the happy little girl she used to be and nothing could make Carrie happier.

Her eyes trailed past her daughter and to the sanctuary full of people. She saw her family, her closest friends, all of the people in her life that meant the most to her. She saw all of her best friends standing at the front of the church in long light pink dresses.

Finally, she saw Mike Fisher.

She saw his crystal blue eyes looking straight into hers, his pearly white smile stretching from ear to ear, his nervous hands fiddling in front of him. Tears filled her eyes as the memories of the past twenty one years flooded her brain. This was the moment she'd been waiting for her entire life.

When she finally reached the front of the sanctuary, she was overcome with emotions. Her father kissed her cheek and let Mike's arm replace his.

"You're not supposed to be crying yet." Mike whispered, winking at her.

"Shut up." Carrie couldn't help but giggle.

"You look beautiful." He said as they stepped up to the preacher.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher in holy matrimony." He said. Carrie couldn't focus on anything he said, all she could do was stare at the man in front of her who was about to become her husband.

"Carrie and Mike have decided to write their own vows, Carrie, you may go first."

"Oh goodness, I hope I can do this without crying too much." Carrie giggled, wiping her face off. She slowly slid the ring onto Mike's finger as she spoke. "Mike, you've always been my one and only. You were my first love back when everyone told me I was too young to even know what love was. You sat my standards so high, no one was ever as good as you no matter how hard I tried. Losing you that summer was the hardest thing I'd ever been through, but getting you back after so long was even better than I thought possible. I still don't know what I did to deserve you. You make me feel like a princess every day. You make me laugh, you wipe my tears, and you treat my girls like they're your own. You got me through what was easily the hardest month of my entire life and helped me keep my faith and believe that my daughter was going to make it. I couldn't ask for anything better. I don't think I can ever thank you enough for taking a chance on the nerdy freshman girl in your english class twenty one years ago. I can't wait to see what life has in store for us. I love you to the ends of the earth and back and always will."

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