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Carole opened the front door to see Matt and she felt her heart sink. He was there to pick up Maddy.

Matt looked inside and saw Carrie sitting in a chair crying and holding Maddy in her arms. The sight crushed him.

He may have cheated on her and later been a complete jerk towards her, but deep down a part of him still loved her and always would. He'd already made her suffer so much and it killed him. He never meant to hurt her so bad, he didn't know what has gotten into him. But after she found out, he felt embarrassed and upset and took his anger out on her. He didn't know how else to act but tough and mean. He had no reason to be such a jerk towards her and no reason to cause any of this mess.

He knew what he had to do.

"Carrie I-" he pushed past Carole and stood in front of Carrie. She looked up at him with eyes so full of hurt he almost cried.

"Don't." She said flatly. She stood up, setting Maddy on the ground and letting Carole take her into the kitchen so they could talk privately.

"Stop." He grabbed her arm to keep her from walking past. "Listen to me."

"This shouldn't have happened. You should have won today. I got carried away with myself and I wasn't even thinking. I shouldn't have even created this custody battle in the first place. You deserve Maddy and she deserves to be with you. I've been a jerk to both of you and I had no reason to be. I know it doesn't matter now, but I am sorry. I really am. I should have never caused you this much pain. I'm not going to take Maddy away from you. I'm giving you custody. You deserve to keep her." For the first time since their divorce, Matt spoke sincerely and from the heart. He didn't have any kind of attitude or sarcasm in his voice. He meant what he was saying and Carrie could tell.

"Really?" Carrie muttered, tears rolling down her face.

Matt nodded. "I've been a jerk, and I'm sorry."

"And if Maddy ever wants to see me and you'll allow it, I'll try to be better. I want to start over. But if not, I understand. I don't deserve it." Matt said.

"Thank you so much Matt." Carrie's voice came out in a whisper due to the tears. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. "Thank you."

"I really am sorry, for everything. None of this should have happened and I hate myself for letting you go and especially for all the pain that I've caused you. I'm truly sorry."

"Thank you Matt, that truly means a lot." Carrie gave him a sincere smile. She rose up to her tip toes and kissed him softly for the last time. "Thank you for everything."

Although a part of her hated him with every muscle in her body, the other part still loved him and always would. Without him, she wouldn't have had the happy eight years they had together nor the memories of everything during that time. Her life wouldn't be anything like it is today. And most importantly, without him she wouldn't be a mother. She wouldn't have Maddy, and she wouldn't have the new baby inside her. And she could never thank him enough for that.

"Can I talk to Maddy for a minute?" He asked, glancing at over at his daughter who was sitting at the kitchen table talking to Carole.

Carrie smiled and nodded. "Maddy sweetie come here for a second."

Maddy walked over to them and Matt bent down to her level. Carrie stepped back and gave them a bit of space.

"Hey princess." Matt cooed, smiling at his daughter who stood looking at the ground.

"Hey daddy." She mumbled. Carrie could tell she didn't want to talk to him.

"Look, I know you don't really like me right now. But I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not paying attention to you and for focusing more on Emily instead of you when you were there. I'm sorry for not being a fun dad and for not doing more with you when I had the chance. If you don't want to come spend the night with me anymore I understand, but if you do one day and your mom lets you, I'd be happy to spend some one on one time with you. No Emily. Just me and you." Matt smiled, lightly holding his daughters hands.

"Okay." Maddy grinned.

"I love you baby girl." Matt kissed her forehead and then hugged her.

"Love you too daddy." Maddy seemed happy to be around her dad for the first time in a while.

"See, I told you everything would all be okay." Carole stood beside Carrie watching their encounter. She put her arm around Carrie and gave her a squeeze.

Carrie didn't reply, she just laid her head on her moms shoulder and smiled.

The smile on Carrie's face could never be broken. Her heart was so happy. Everything was just how it was supposed to be.

She may not have Matt anymore, but still, everything was just right.

She had Mike by her side, full custody of her daughter, a baby in her belly, peace with her ex husband, and a heart full of happiness. And in that moment, she'd never felt more blessed.

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