Segment 2 - Forgiveness is what I asked

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Part 2 - Forgiveness is what I asked

Armaan opened all the hurting wound of his heart, entertaining the gossiping peoples giving them a hot topic to talk about while he was all high not in his senses he was...

Ridhima was embraced by his act in-front of the gathering. She felt blamed, affront, culpability, liability hearing armaan blaming her for leaving him aloof. She took this act of him in a very bad phase. Atul who just few minute back came in the party unknown to the fact that armaan too was invited here atul happily was walking in when heard every single word that escaped armaan's lips. He walked towards armaan trying to get his attention as he was behind him, atul kept his hand on armaan's shoulder. With sudden touch on the fresh cuts hidden under his layer of cloths armaan winched in pain jerk away his shoulder he turn back towards the intruder getting out of his painful revive. Seeing atul standing there he gave away to his emotional roller ride. Then waked away saying a sorry realizing the crime he just now committed blaming ridhima for all the things he just said.

Ridhima too left from there feeling all humiliated, Sid was standing there looking shocked to learn such a big piece of news from this new Senior Doctor of Sanjeevni who happened to join just a week back. To whom he have invited in the party after knowing that he was an old batch-mate of his wife ridhima thinking they must be friends he gave the invitation but the truth came to be opposite of his thinking. He have meant to know the truth of the relationship his wife shared with this person who walked away from the staring of the relation he started with ridhima as his wife 3 months back. Knowing the truth is always a merit for a starting relation but knowing it in this way is destructive.

After ridhima vanished Sid dispersed the get-together asking them to have a dinner and then only they can leave giving the responsibilities to his Friends he too went away to chase her. To have a confrontation from her for hiding all this from him. When, she was the only one who said that they will build their house of relation on the grounds of the honesty with walls of trust and roof of Respect. When where those ground walls fall from.

Soon Sid reached home to see her in her room standing by a window pane. Sid reached her "Ridhima I want to talk to you" to which she replied "Sidhant not now I am not in a mood" sid got angry "Do hell with you mood ridhima... after all that happened today you are supposed to give a explanation to me not the other way round" ridhima stay quite not speaking even a word "Ridhima speak up dam it..!! Why the hell you never told me the truth of that man who claim to be your heartbroken lover of yours, not to end it their but the way he was speaking it looks like you too were there present in that relation ridhima. What they hell was all that. Wasn't it you who asked me that we will built all out relations with the grounds of honesty walls of trust and roof of respect. Then today where are your ground of honesty and walls of trust. Where were they when you were saying all that keep the biggest secret of your life away from me."

Ridhima was outrageous hearing her husband to blaming her "It was the matter of past for me and when I have never asked you about your Casanova past then why the hell you are making such a big issue out of this one things. Every single person in this world have a past before getting married to someone. So do me. When I never question you then why you are questioning me dam it. And I never got time to speak about it"

"Ohh is it that... ridhima I have no interest in your words of waving away the topic just like that and I don't have patience to pretend otherwise. It's been 3 months since we are together in this wedlock and you never got the time to tell me anything." Spoke Sid in anger making ridhima too anger filled.

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