Chapter 7 - Chicken Wings

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We decided it would be the best stay at Leo's after he phoned some other black-eyes to ask what they think about betraying their king and if they would help.
Now Leo, Winter and I were usually sitting in his living room. My companions had been sitting beside each other and had their usual chat about how and where we should enter hell, even though at some days they drifted off to talk about movies. I, on the other hand, was sitting in the armchair beside the couch and read the newspaper, which Leo used to steal from his neighbors.

Almost always when they were talking about something I wasn't allowed to join their conversation, because my oh-so-good friend Leo still couldn't stand me. Therefore Winter and I got along quite okay.
She talked to me whenever she got up earlier than Leo or stayed up longer than him. Then she'd ask me things about my life or how it is in heaven, but she'd never answer a single question of mine.

Earlier I wasn't really aware of the fact that demons sleep and they didn't know that most angels don't. So whenever they went to get some sleep, which their human bodies needed, I was wide awake and waited for the next day. Not because they would wake up then, but because I hoped the other demons would arrive - or at least I'd have another newspaper to read.

This morning, when the demons arrived, I was sitting in the armchair, as always, and waited when I heard a knock on the door.
Winter and Leo were still asleep so I decided I would open the door. More than 15 demons were standing on the porch and each one of them looked bewildered at me. "Are you a friend of Laelion?" a black haired woman in the front with a scar on her chin asked.

"That's an angel." I heard a muffled voice warning them from the back and instantly all of them tensed up.

While some of them looked rather insecure, others looked aggressive, so I knew I'd need to save my ass by explaining "I'm Lucifer. I'm not a friend of Leo but all this is my plan, so please come in and let's not fight."

I stepped aside to make some space for them so they could enter the house. The last demon to enter the house stopped beside me. It was the man who was able to see my wings.

"In case you pull any tricks I'll grill your wings."

"Sounds fair." I answered sarcastically, but the demon only rolled his eyes and walked past me, bumping his shoulder into mine while doing so.
I groaned, annoyed of all the demons and their behavior, but I followed them in the living room. They had woken Winter up and Leo heard the noise they made and joined them soon after getting out of his bed.

I for one kept standing at the doorway to the living room while Leo organized chairs for them to sit down and some bottles of alcohol.
I wasn't asked to sit with them, let alone to drink with them, but I also hadn't got today's newspaper and so there was nothing to do. I stayed at the doorway for a little longer, but after earning some annoyed glares from the group I left the house to sit down at the porch.

There was a small white table which was made of metal and two fitting chairs. They weren't comfortable, they weren't like our chairs at home - the one's my wife bought for the garden but used for the living room because she loved them so much - but they were okay. I wouldn't have said that of myself at that period of my life.

For more than an hour I stayed outside and watched the neighborhood. I figured there usually wasn't a lot going on, because today there wasn't a single person outside - only me, and I'm not even a real person. Then the front door was opened and Winter peek out of the door.

"What are you doing here?" She asked while lowering herself in the chair on the opposite side of the table.

I shrugged and looked at my hands, rubbing over the spot where my ring used to be. "I guess, I'm just thinking."

Winter inspected me for a second but then she replied: "Well, however, we're leaving tomorrow after lunch. Be sure that you are ready."

"I'll be." I replied and let my glance slip to a car which passed the house with an immense speed.

While my attention was on the surroundings again, Winter shoved her chair back and walked back to the front door after she left her seat.
I expected her to be inside again already, but then she asked: "Are you coming?"

Within less than a second my attention was on her again. "Sure", I answered and followed her to the demons. All of them had drank a bit too much already, but it lightened their mood and their tolerance towards me so it was good.

I seated myself on the floor close to Winter's and spent the evening with them. I didn't drink anything because it would have been a waste, nevertheless I had a conversation with most of them and it seemed like I'd even slowly befriend with some of them. Even Leo seemed more open this evening than usually.

What I was most surprised about was the fact that the one demon who threatened me earlier was the friendliest towards me now. Of course, he was completely wasted but so were the others. He was called Brandes and talked with me almost all the time and told me some stories about his life and his different human hosts. He had a lot of stories, considering the fact that he lived since about 4.4 million years now - but I easily had double the amount. I lived longer and definitely had more troubles than anyone else on this planet.

One thing was for sure - though we had a bad start, I started to like these drunk bastards.

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