Chapter 12 - Haha I Forgot To Give This Chapter A Name

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Days passed and I was still in this cell, without anyone coming to look after me. I was hungry and thirsty. I never had felt like this before but it was nagging on me like my stomach was eating the rest of my body and all I wanted was to get out. I needed to talk to anyone. I needed some light.

After what felt like a year, but had probably only been four days, I heard the door unlock. Immediately I sat up in my bed and turned all my attention towards the only escape from this cell.
The door opened and the whole room brightened up, leaving me blinded for a while. I could only make out two shapes standing at the door way.

"Are we even allowed to do that?", one of the demons spoke with an insecure voice.

"We are just following orders.", the other one replied and walked in the room. He grabbed me at my shoulder and pulled me up. "Get going. We don't have forever."

"Technically you do.", I mumbled silently and walked out of the room, closely followed by the demon while the other one walked in front of me.

I had no idea where we were going but the facts that they got me out of this cell probably meant that someone really went here to get me out of hell. Some part of me was happy about it because I'd be free, but the other part was fixed on our plan and knew I shouldn't leave - if only Weeron would finally show up with my sword. The only positive side effect was that I got to see some rooms along the hallway and a few paths leading to other rooms. If I'd be lucky I'd maybe see the room where they kept their weapons.

Instead of bringing me to the throne room, like I hoped for, they brought me to an completely empty room, not a single thing was in there except for a light bulb hanging from the ceiling and a drain on the floor.
Man, I had a bad feeling about this.

The demon who seemed hesitant earlier closed the door behind them and said: "We don't have to hurt you, if you tell us who sent you.  We know by now the angels didn't do it."

"Nobody sent me.", actually it was the truth, but I didn't feel the need to get hurt either, "Just let me go."

Instead of solving this the way an adult would, the other demon immediately punched me in the face which made my head feel like it would explode any second and pain rushed through my whole body, while I let a loud groan slid out. Just seconds later blood was already running down of my nose and the demon grabbed me at the hem of my shirt. "This was just a warning, next time it's going to hurt a lot more. So tell me, how did you get here?"

"I don't know!", I shouted at him in pain, but I knew I had to keep lying. It necessary for me to get through this in order to kill Amnael later on. "I was at home in my bed. Sleeping. Then, suddenly, I woke up here."

The demon glanced at his partner with an unsure expression, but then he threw me on the ground and exclaimed: "Don't mess with me! I know you humans can't just get here without help!"

"Maybe I'm a magician and my magic trick went wrong.", I replied but also regretted it just moments later because he threw me on the floor and kicked me in the belly. Pain shot threw my body once more and I felt like I'd throw up.

While I was trying to hold in whatever was left in my stomach, the demon walked to his partner and took a crowbar from. "Last warning, speak now or I'm going to hurt you. Really, really bad."

I glared at him. I would kill him if I could, but I couldn't. So there was only one thing left to do since I couldn't tell the truth. "You'll regret pissing me off, pal."

At first he laughed but then his expression turned as cold as ice. He grabbed the crowbar tighter and swang it to hit my leg, which ended with a loud cracking sound. For a while it hurt so bad, I wanted to curl up in a ball and rip off my leg, but then it went numb and I was barely able to move it.

One more tactically placed hit on my back and a rib was broken, maybe two.
This procedure of torture continued for almost an hour, or at least it felt that way. He punched and told me to talk but my whole body was feeling so numb and I was like I would have forgotten how to speak.

I even considered telling him the truth so my pain would end, but I probably would have got killed then. So I remained silent - except for the groans filled with pain and exhaustion.
The demon stood above me and then he kicked his feet again my head. My body gave up and I fell unconscious.

I regained control in my cell, but I wouldn't move even the slightest bit. Being run over by a car would have been more comfortable than this, or even being sucked in by the turbine of an airplane.
I needed to get out of this cell. I wouldn't wait for Weeron any longer, because if I did, I'd die. My new plan was to break out and find my sword on my own.

But first - I needed a break.

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