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Crave You


Not once did Lily Carter expect to love a boy who wasn't her prince charming. She expected for her love to be cliché but instead it was unrequited. He was like her favorite novel that she would not mind re-reading at 4:50 in the morning but to him she was like a prosaic poem he would be forced to read.

She would follow him into the deep waters knowing that she could not swim. He would return to shore with ease. Lily would plead for help with a wave of a hand. He would simply smile and stand there just watching her. All she would be able to hear under the water was his faint dulcet voice telling her to keep swimming. She longed to be a Montague only to remain a Capulet forever.

Zayn Malik loved the attention he received from Lily but didn't care in loving her. He knew that she craved him. And so he took that into his full advantage. She felt happiness. He simply felt satisfaction. "I love you" was a consistent falsehood that was always exchanged between Juliet and her so called Romeo.

She knew the truth but decided to ignore it. It made her nervous to know that he didn't love her. Her mind was fantastic at mind games but reality would always hit her when she least expected it. The longest distance to Lily wasn't simply from California to Sydney; It was when he stood right in front of her and would disregard her presence.

"I'll never leave you Lily" he would say but yet he was ready to go. Every time he tried to escape she held on for dear life. He didn't have a choice but to stay and pretend. She remained happy but he no longer felt satisfaction. She noticed his demeanor and felt crestfallen. "If you love something set it free..." Lily would whisper to herself. "You can't lose something that was never yours" her mind would argue. "If it is meant to be they will come back" she would continue. It was those exact words that made her have a taste of delirium.

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