The last We Together

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Yin: "Hello Everyone! This is Yin-Yang, Welcome in our Story Show!"

Yin: "Last Story we Tell the Truth what happens with Our Dad or White Ball"
SB: "I still didn't believe that"
Heart: "Yeah, is Hard be Believe"
Yin: "I didn't believe that too at first"

Star: "okay, now We are ready to Hear about You to tell Yin-Yang Story"
Tune: "That's was the last night For Yin-Yang"
Trophy: "But Before that, I was planning something"

*Start the Story*
On the Night day Trophy is going home, but his Body is hurt like someone beat him. (Just see what happens in Yin-Yang Day's Our Memories).

Trophy: "Shit! What is he problem!? He didn't like usual!!"
Trophy hear some Noise from outside, then He meet someone.
Trophy: "Who Are you?"
???: "Oh no! You found me!!"

Trophy: "What you want in here?! And Who are you?"
Me.Phone 4s: "I'm Me.Phone 4s, I just have some Mission"
Trophy: "What Mission?"
Me.Phone 4s: "Sorry Kid, I can't tell you, this is Secret"
Trophy: "I don't care of that! Tell me or I will call cop's to bring you to Jail!"
Me.Phone 4s: "What?! Why you want bring Me to Jail?!"
Trophy: "Because You are Mysterious Guy on the night and Sneaky come in near people house"
Me.Phone 4s: "Uhm... I just need to give this Potion to someone"
Trophy: "What Potion?"
Me.Phone 4s: "The Forgetful Potion"
Me.Phone 4s explain the Potion

Trophy got the plans for this.
Trophy: "Hmm, can I have that Potion?"
Me.Phone 4s: "What?"

Tomorrow Night.
All Objects/Students is come for The Dance Party.
Tune then Meet Yin-Yang.
Tune: "Hai~"
Yin: "Hai Tune"
Tune: "So~? This is your last day?"
Yang: "Yeah, I know"
Yin: "And we are ready for that, right bro?"
Yang: "Yeah Yin"
Tune: "Okay~, the Party is will be Start, so just have fun for the last day~"
Yin: "Okay"
Tune go to Find Sweetie Alliances.
Yin: *sigh* "So? This is happening...."
Yang: "Yes...It is..."

They are silent for a moment.
Yang: "....Yin?"
Yin: "Yes?"
Yang: "I....I want Tell something to you..."
Yin: "Just tell"
Yang: "I... I just wanna Say.... Sorry"
Yin: "Huh? What for?"
Yang: "For whatever I did to you.... When I tease you.... Fight with you... I... I didn't mean to hurt your feel!"
Yin: "Yang..... No..."
Yang: "I... I just want to protect you from Father! So no one of us leave!
That's why act Bad and Evil to you.... And that's why I not tell the truth at you! I just don't want to lose you!"
Yang tried His Best to not cry.
Yin: "Oh.... That's what is the truth? You... You are Actually Care and Protect me?"
Yang: "Yes.... I'm so sorry Yin.... I didn't tell you.... I... I.... I Just bad Brother for you!! And I can't protect you and You can't do anything with me.... Except just on Brother's Day.... I.... I am a Loser!! Not you!!"

Yin: "Yang..... You not!"

Yang: "Huh?"Yin: "I was know

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Yang: "Huh?"
Yin: "I was know.... For a long time... That you always have nice Side on you! And I know you are Care of me, remember? When you are Tried to Help me by bully? And Remamber when is The Grand Prix thing? You never leaving me and Keep care of me.... And everybody else"
Yang: "Yin....!!" <------ (Can't Hold the tears anymore)

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