Sneak Peek!

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Nick Wilde, master of Cartwright Manor, possessor of extreme fortune and dashing good looks, brother to the beautiful and talented Lady Victoria Wilde, friend of a certain Mr. Jack Savage, and expert in the art of appearing bored, sat down in a chair and yawned painfully. He slowly closed his eyes, hoping that none of his friends sisters would notice him sleeping.

"Mr. Wilde! Mr. Wilde? Anne, dear, I daresay he's sleeping!" Irene, the youngest of the pair squeaked out in a miserably high pitched tone that made his ears twitch slightly.
He parted his eyelids and barely refrained from glaring at the creme colored rabbit. "I can assure you ladies that I was merely pondering the details of my business. What kind of gentlemen would fall asleep in your charming presence?"

The two ladies twittered and giggled, and he settled more comfortably in his chair. If Jack were home, they could discuss the entanglement while playing cards, or in the billiards room. But as it was, he had to suffer through in the name of prosperity.


"Edith! Judy! Linsey! Margie! Melinda! Come quick! Someone's moving into Hursely Manor! And I do believe its a young man! Bless me, he must be very rich! He shall be able to afford throwing balls, don't you think?" Mrs. Hopps, mistress of Heatherfield, scurried around, ears pricked up, and nose wiggling slightly.

Judy, the second eldest of Mrs. Hopps children, set her book down to the side and sighed. Her mother was letting her excitement get the better of her, and was making a scene in front of the cook and servants.

She swallowed her distaste for her mothers actions, and spoke calmly and clearly. "Mother, do calm yourself. Now, if the young man has any money. of course he will throw a ball, and invite everyone in the shire. He shall want to see what we have for society."

"Exactly, Judy." Edith, the acknowledged beauty of the family stepped forth to help her sister. "So, you see mother, we shall meet his whole party by-the-by."

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