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Judy woke up the next morning with a small smile of contentment. She knew without opening her eyes that the sun was shining; that it was a beautiful day.

She could hear birds chirping, the servants starting to perform their daily duties. The wind rustled through the old oak that she used to climb as a kit, and she could smell the fresh-cut grass of her father's hay fields.

All these things contrived to remind her that she was young, that she was healthy, and that she should go outdoors and enjoy the company of green, growing things.

Edith was still asleep when she slipped out of their room quietly, as well as the rest of her family. Judy was the only early riser, and then only when the days were long and filled with sunlight. She was a young, strong doe, and to keep her cooped up indoors would have been a crime worthy of imprisonment. Her mother tried, hard and oft', in Judy's younger days, but the child had thrown tantrums worthy of a rabbit twice her age and size. Even so, Mrs. Hopps still tried to contain her daughter.

So Judy learned young that getting up early was often her only and best chance to go see the world.

She let thoughts of the ball rest in their place for now, but she did allow herself to ponder Mr. Wilde. The vulpine had caught her attention, but she didn't bother to ask herself why.


Nick POV

Mr. Wilde had been awake for hours, reviewing the complicated matters of his estate. The expenses always seemed a slight bit more expensive than they ought to be. He wondered idly if his steward was dishonest and sneaking the extra sum into his own pocket. He quickly dismissed the thought. The wolf had served him well for many years, and had served his father before Nick had inherited. It was more likely that the market prices were steadily rising.

Nick sighed. Everything was rising these days. He was financially secure, of course, but he wanted to be sure that his sister, Diana, had a good, wealthy name to fall back on when she wed. Then she oughtn't be dependent upon her husband to support her.

Of course, everybody thought HE should marry. As if any woman could persuade him into the bonds of matrimony.

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