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(DemonKnight09 just for you, kid)

Nick POV

Another ball. Nicholas mentally groaned. Jack might be his friend, but he was tempted to strangle him. With the cravat that was currently giving his manservant such trouble. Then dump him in the river and let the fish have a decent dinner. With the cravat.

Then he wouldn't have to attend the ball. But Nick would be in jail. There were definite advantages and disadvantages to killing his only close friend.

But, unfortunately, in a moment of weakness, he'd given his word of honor that he would not pretend to be sick, and be in attendance.

He sometimes wondered if he had a severe mental illness. Then he decided that it was not him, but Mr. Savage.

He finally stopped the poor man and tied the cravat himself. Had he not already been in a foul mood, he might have tried to show the servant how, but he just finished the job, biting his tongue to keep from saying anything sharp. Oh, yes. He had a temper, but had taught himself early to master it, and not be mastered by it.

He allowed himself a brief moment to contemplate the guess list, and to his surprise, caught a name that interested him. Ms. Judy Hoops. He remembered the intelligence in her eyes, and the wit of her conversation. Maybe tonight would have some merit.

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