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(A/N: My dearest, patient readers, this will be my last update on this fic. Then I am done writing Zootopia fanfiction for a while, if not forever. It's not that I am done with this fandom, but I am taking this summer to work on my fantasy writing...and I frankly do not devote enough time to this fanfic to continue. So here goes, on the last chapter of this love.)

At first Judith refused Mr. Wilde, for reasons of her own understanding and a certain unreasonable pride that she carried within her reasonable, well ordered, bright young mind. She loved her family well, resented the slight put upon them by this sudden suitor, and feared that it was only a moment's passion that caused Mr. Wilde to want her at his side for the rest of his life.

But after a few months of persuasion, she finally succumbed to the fox's wiles and admitted that her heart had a room for him in it, and perhaps that room had been prepared and well-aired as of late. The master of a massive fortune lavished gifts upon his newly caught lady, until she protested, at which point he showered them upon her family.

They married during a beautiful Indian summer and all that beheld the pair had to admit that they suited each other well, and each would keep their mate lively and entertained well into their old age.

And so it was.

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