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Judy POV

The ball was wonderful. Judy had been asked to dance by many gentleman, but at the moment, she had no partner. That was well with her, because she'd just noticed a dashing gentlefox across the room. He towered over the bunnies surrounding him, and had an expression of boredom on his face.

She decided that she didn't care overly care for his air of superiority, and turned haughtily from him, chattering with her best friend, Dawn Bellwether.

That is, until a paw lightly rested on her elbow, and a manly voice asked her "Miss Hopps? May I have this dance?"

Judy whirled around a bit too fast, and clipped her forehead on a red chin.

"Oh, sir, please forgive..." She looked up, blushing brightly, to see the fox she'd written off as a snob not five minutes ago! ".....Me...." She finished weakly, sweeping into a curtsy as an excuse to hide the redness of her face.

The gentlefox grinned ruefully, rubbing his chin. "Quite alright, I've had much worse knocks. But if I'd known the ladies of this shire were all so ready to defend their own honor, I might have stood a safer distance away."
He bowed gallantly. "Nicholas Wilde, of Pemberly House, milady. And you are Judy Hopps, of Netherfield, yes?"

Judy was recovered now, and was able to smile graciously. "Yes, Mr. Wilde. I am she."

Mr. Wilde shook his head. "No, no, that won't do. Call me Nicholas, or better yet, Nick. Shall we dance?" He held out a red paw expectantly. The music was starting up.

"Of course, sir. After bumping into you, I fear that I owe a debt to you." She gently took his outstretched paw, and let him sweep her into the dance. Gone was his earlier boredom, now he was the most charming of partners, laughing, chatting away, and never bungling his steps.

Judy enjoyed herself immensely.

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