Day Two Hundred and Fifty Two

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You stopped texting me.

Should I have been the first one to send the message? And if I was the first, what would I have sent you? "Hi" is too casual, but "I miss you" is just wrong. I wish I could have asked you what to say, but we weren't talking anymore. Not because we had gotten into a fight, but you were too busy with her to worry about me.

I saw you at the shop, but you didn't see me. You were too busy with her, picking out a new book that she recommended. I could see you through the shelves and could hear you across the shop. You and her were comparing City of Bones to Divergent. You were arguing in the way that couples do, where you're not really angry but act like it. I could hear the smile in your voice.

"But Divergent is so lovey," you said, your voice teasing.

"Honey, I don't think that's a word," she sounded sweet, if I'm honest.

"But it's accurate."

"But Divergent is so much more than just love."

If you asked, I would have said that I agree with you.

"City of Bones barely even has a love interest, darling. It's mostly action," you told her.

"Exactly, it needs something more. Something deeper."

"But Divergent is too deep."

"What do you have against romance?"

You laughed, "Well nothing, since I'm still with such an extreme romance lover."

I heard a soft giggle. "I just really love Divergent. Could you read it, please?"

A pause. "Fine, you win," you said. I didn't hear anything for a few seconds.

"I love you," she responded.

"I love you more."

"I love you most."

I could see you walk up to the counter with her fingers intertwined in yours. You bought the book and kissed her in between paying and putting your purchase in a bag. 

I wanted to ask how you've been, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. You looked happy, you looked so damn happy. I didn't want to ruin it.

After all, what was the point of my trying anymore?

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