Late night chat

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They left me alone for a while, although I could hear the door to the basement open then close as though someone wanted to come down but wouldn't. It was probably Mrs. Jacobs, but right now I couldn't care less if she was worried, she was probably worried more about me destroying the nice room down here.

At some point I must have fallen asleep, because I woke up with a pounding headache. I silently climbed up the stairs back into the kitchen. I wanted to find some medicine but apparently these people were hippies and didn't have any.

"Hey", I heard a deep voice say from behind me. Spinning around I saw that it was one of the twins. "Sam, right?", I questioned seeing the way he stood made it clear he wasn't his brother who slumped over and didn't make eye contact when he introduced himself. "How'd you know? No one gets that right, parents included", he laughed the last part out, he seemed to happy to be talking to the likes of me. "Your walk, hey you got any aspirin or something", I changed the subject as quickly as I could just want to go back into the basement. "Yeah here" he reached over my head to a little basket on the top shelf and handed me a bottle. "Yeah thanks" I poured 2 out into my hand and threw them back not bothering with water.

"Well night"
"Even's a kid. I'm sorry he hurt your feelings but he didn't know any better"
"I don't blame him"
"Then who do you blame"

I disappeared down the stairs and climbed in bed, maybe I could stay in bed till I turned 18.

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