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After sharing my story with them, Monica and Jerry payed for me to go to therapy. And the boys, well let's just say I didn't have a second to myself to dwell on my past life.

Walking to school together there was always conversation and even though I was still quiet I felt safe enough to speak up a bit more. Weekend soccer games with the boys kept us all in shape. And I even had a brother to do any activity I wanted with.

Sam went to book stores and the library with me, Gale and me went on runs and to the gym together. Adam liked writing so we spent hours in my room with paper coming up with ideas, and Greg would come down on occasion and draw with me. Now I could never forget Evan who had become my sidekick, we would just talk, nothing special just talk.

So one Saturday afternoon after my game with the boys, Gale and I jogged to the gym for an hour, where Sam picked us up and dropped his twin off at home and we returned our borrowed books to the library. Back at home Greg  drew art for Adams short story as I read through it. Then feeling as if I was leaving the little guy out I went up to talk to Evan. This is where he told me something terrible. That he had experienced one of the things I had.

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