The Mall

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After breakfast the boys all scurried up to their rooms to get changed and grab cash that they had saved up for this reason. Well all I had was my life savings and I wasn't about to spend that on a new wardrobe. So I stood silently by the door waiting for everyone else to be ready.

"Hey Cassie" the voice was quiet and soft so I wasn't surprised when I turned and saw Even standing in the hall wearing shorts and a red t shirt supporting some sports team.

"Hey Even"
"I'm sorry I made you sad last night"
"It's alright you didn't know it would upset me"
"So we can be friends?"
"Yeah, we can be friends." Although he didn't hear me say "till I leave" under my breath. He rapped his little body around my legs.

"Alright here's the plan of action. Dad will take Even, Adam, and Greg to do what they need to. I'm taking the twins and Cassie the twins can go off by themselves but I'll stick with Cassie so she can get some new clothes. Alright we meet at the food court for lunch at 1 if your late I'm not paying for you. Let's go." Mrs. Jacobs acted like this was an army mission instead of a simple trip to a mall.

"Alright sweetheart they have everything here where do you want to start"
"Hot Topic"

After around 2 hours and Mrs. Jacobs buying basically everything I even semi liked, these people really do have money to burn, it was 12:50 and we started towards the food court. We had been into almost all the stores but had bought from only a few. Hot Topic, Tillies, Vans, and some strange little place that sold jewelry made from old car parts.

"Guess who" said a voice that I couldn't place as they placed hands over my eyes. Panic began to rise in my chest and I did what any smart teen girl would do. I swung my elbow back hitting whoever it was in the stomach and knocking them to the ground. I turned to see a groaning mess on the floor, and one that I lived with now.

"Oh my god Sam I'm so sorry I panicked. I didn't know it was you. Why would you sneak up on me that's just dumb?"
"It's fine just knocked the wind out of me. God girl you got a good hit."
"I needed one"
"Nothing everyone else is over there I'll see you there in a sec"

He walked over to his family clutching his stomach. I stayed in line at the pizza place waiting to order my slice.

"You just attacked Sam Jacobs, which means you just ruined your own life" a snotty voice from behind me said.

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