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Weeks pass in pure bliss. Having never had a real family before this whole thing was extremely new to me and at first I didn't want to step on any toes so I stayed down in the basement and hid, praying that I didn't get boring to them. Then one day I heard the door open and yelling and laughing coming towards me. They were coming down here.

"Hey Cassie, wanna play monopoly with us you can be the top hat." Adam said though all the boys were pleading with their eyes. "Yeah sure but I've never played before so explains the rules" I answered not honestly prepared for their intense response.

"You've never played monopoly!"
"But it's the best game ever"
"Dude what was your childhood"
"Dude don't say that we don't know how she grew up"
"Wait they never told you where I came from?"
Silence followed my question. As though none wanted to cop to how little they knew about me.

"Well no mommy and daddy told that lady that brought you here that if you wanted us to know then you would tell us. Then the next week you were here and we were all so happy that we never remembered to ask." Evan told me. Sweet little tiny Evan who grew up with 4 big brothers and then one day was told he would finally have a big sister, to bad they got me. Half of me wishes that they had gotten a sweet girl that hadn't been abused her entire life, who isn't as messed up as I am, that could join their family without second guessing everything she did. But the other half of me wants to cry at the thought of never having met these people, never having played games with them, or talked on our walks home, I'm so grateful for them being here and excepting me.

"Well maybe one day I'll tell you sweetie but I think for now it might just make you sad. Make you all see me as a different girl then you do now. So yeah someday you'll know about the things I've been through, the things I've done but for now, show me how to play monopoly."

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