Surprise Party

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After getting my cast sawed off by a machine and my arm checked out by a specialist I got to see the boys again, except for the fact that when we walked into the waiting room I didn't recognize any of the faces there. "Oh sweetie they most have gone home, we'll see them there", Monica told me. And I don't know why but I was disappointed not to see them joking around constantly. So together we moved towards the car me with my head hanging and dragging my feet.

After a drive with me rubbing my arm constantly, needing to touch my skin, we got home. Walking in with my spirits low I was completely shocked at what I saw.

Piled around the living room was balloons, and looking up I saw streamers dangling from the ceiling. But the best part of all was all the boys jumping out of hiding places and yelling surprise. The kids scrambled over to see my arm and Jerry slung his arm over Monica's shoulder both watching all of us.

The best part of the party wasn't the food or music or even the amazing chocolate cake Monica made, but being around my dorky foster family. Goofing around with these boys that I thought would be strangers forever. And to end a perfect night we finished with a family photo. Of all of us, which means I'm finally part of a family.

Okay three things.
1) I'm so sorry it took this long but I have a bunch of school work and I wasn't sure how I wanted this chapter to go
2) holy shit guys we hit 8000 reads it's totally insane and I'm so very thankful that my friends weren't lying and I actually am good at this writing thing
3) I want to dedicate this chapter (or maybe everything I've written) to my amazing, evil, hilarious best friend who I run all my ideas past and for some reason she keeps putting up with me. So happy birthday Lori I love you.

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