Chapter 6 - Ginny's Diary.

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I awoke the next morning to see that Ginny had come back during the night. She was sitting on her bed and writing in a brown book, her quill moving at a surprisingly fast rate.

"Hey Ginny," I said as I stretched and yawned, sitting up.

"Good morning!" Ginny exclaimed brightly.

"What's that?" I asked curiously, leaning over to look.

"Oh, just my diary," she said.

"You keep a diary?" I questioned, having not seen her write in one before, "Oh right, the one you forgot the other day?"

"Yeah, I found this book in one of my hand-me-down books from my cauldron," she told me.

"Are you sure that's safe? You shouldn't have taken it - it might be dangerous!" I told her.

"It wouldn't be anything dangerous! It was in one of my school books. I'll show you it tonight and you'll understand," Ginny said.

"Alright. Let's head down to the Hall," I said.

We got changed into our robes and walked to the Hall. We sat down next to Daniel and Harry, who were having a conversation about Quidditch. Harry was explaining the rules and the point of the game.

"Hey guys!" we said.

"Hey," they both greeted, before going back to their conversation.

"Mail's here," I heard Ron tell Hermione, opposite us.

The sound of wings flapping filled my ears and I looked up to see many owls swooping down to deliver mail. I saw Errol coming down, my own Morgan flying alongside him. Both owls were carrying mail. Errol flew into my goblet and I pulled him out, while Morgan landed neatly on my shoulder. I gave Errol to Ginny and untied the letter from Morgan's leg. I then gave her a little bit of toast and she flew off. Errol unsteadily followed her, and I laughed as he squawked happily before flying straight into the window. I opened the envelope, which was from Mrs. Weasley. It said,

Dear Miranda

Just a wee letter to congratulate you on being sorted into Gryffindor! Arthur and I are so glad you came to join our family this summer. I know it's early, but we'd love to have you back over Christmas if that is what you would like. I hope you get settled into Hogwarts quickly, study hard and learn lots, but most importantly have fun. You will be great. I've sent some toffee too!

Love, Mrs. Weasley.

I opened up the small blue tin that was attached to the letter, and a delicious smellwafted towards me.

"She's given you toffee too!" Ginny exclaimed, opening her own. "Yum,"

"I'm going to write a reply before class," I said. Ginny nodded and I went back to the dormitory in search of parchment and my quill. I wrote out a quick thank you note for Mrs Weasley, and told her I would love to come back to The Burrow for Christmas if Ginny did too. I folded the parchment and put it into an envelope, and then made my way to the Owlery. I had never been there before, and was rather taken aback at how many noisy owls were up there. Fortunately I didn't have to search all of them to find Morgan - she flew straight to me as soon as I walked in.

"Hey!" I said. She squawked happily as I tied the letters onto her leg and said, "Take this to Mrs. Weasley, okay?" Morgan took off, flew out of the window, and disappeared into the distance.

"Miranda, hurry up! We have to go to Herbology!" I heard Ginny shout, as she came running into the Owlery, out of breath.

"Sorry!" I exclaimed. I ran with her all the way back to the common room to get my books, and then all the way outside until we reached Daniel. He was standing outside the greenhouses with the other Gryffindors.

"Are we late?" Ginny asked Daniel.

"Nope. Look, Professor...uh, Professor Sprout is just coming out," he said, pointing to the greenhouse with the number 2 on it.

"Right," said Ginny, nodding.

"Hello students, welcome to Herbology! Come inside Greenhouse One," Professor Sprout said. She was a stout little woman with grey curly hair and a kind face.

She led us into the smallest of the glasshouses. She explained to us what we would be doing in Herbology and the risks that come with using dangerous plants. By the time she finished telling us about taking precautions with Devil's Snare, it was time to leave. We had no new classes except for History of Magic. The teacher for this was Professor Binns. He was the only ghost teacher - the story was one day he had died in his sleep and just got up in the morning to keep teaching. His subject was very boring, involving him droning on for the whole period while we scribbled notes. Eventually after a long second day, evening came and everyone went off to bed, but Ginny and I stayed up so she could show me her diary.

"So?" I asked.

"I'll get it out," she replied, reaching into her bag and pulling out the tattered brown diary. She sat down next to me and opened it - there was nothing on the pages.

"Where's the writing? You were writing in it this morning..." I asked her, feeling confused.

"Just keep watching," she replied excitedly, her eyes bright and her smile wide.


She got out her quill and started writing. She wrote, 'Hello, Tom.'

"Tom?" I asked, looking at her in confusion.

"Just keep watching!" she repeated. Suddenly, Ginny's writing disappeared and more writing appeared on the page.

"Hello. Is that you Ginny?"

"Of course. Except I have a friend beside me. She's called Miranda."

"Hello, Miranda."

I looked at Ginny. She grinned.

"I've told Tom a lot about me, and my secrets, stuff that I couldn't tell anyone else." Ginny told me. "He's really friendly."

"Ginny! He might be trying to kidnap you or something!" I exclaimed.

"Don't be silly. He's a really nice guy," she told me. "And besides - it's a book!"

"Are you sure?" I questioned.

"Of course I am,"

"Okay then," I said, although I was still concerned.

She then gave me a huge grin and said "Goodnight Miranda,"

I said goodnight, and collapsed onto my bed. I fell asleep without any trouble. Ginny stayed up, writing to Tom late into the night.


Sorry that was kinda weird, but i'm getting stuck for ideas!  thanks! bye enjoy next chapter :)

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