Chapter 12 - Valentine's Day

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Today was Valentine's Day. I wasn't sure what they did here at Hogwarts, but if it was anything like the things that they did at the orphanage, I would not be spending the day in the castle. I shuddered as I thought of the creep Cupid decorations and the cards we were all forced to write to each other.

I walked into the Great Hall and stopped short when I saw that the walls were pink, covered in hearts and flowers. Red, white, and pink confetti rained down on everyone. I reached Harry, Ron and Hermione and I sat down.

"Good morning," I said.

"Hi!" Hermione said, with a little giggle. I glanced at Ron, who looked like he was about to throw up everywhere.

"What's up?" Harry and I asked Ron in unison.

"That!" he said, pointing up at the staff table. Professor Lockhart was sitting there, grinning from ear to ear, wearing bright pink robes.

"Oh my-" I exclaimed. Hermione giggled again.

"Look! He's waving for silence!" I heard someone say. As people went quiet, our Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher started speaking.

"HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! And may I thank the forty-six people who have sent me cards already! These great decorations were made and put up by me! And it doesn't end there..." He clapped his hands twice. Suddenly the doors opened up, revealing angry looking dwarfs dressed as cupids. Golden wings were strapped to their backs and they carried some love heart arrows. Looking behind them, I could spy Ginny walking into the Hall at the back, looking very embarrassed. Her ears were red.

"Everyone welcome my friendly card-carrying cupids!" Lockhart shouted out, "They will be delivering your Valentines today,"

Not too long after that, I was walking with Harry, Hermione, Ron, Daniel, and Ginny towards the stairs when a funny looking dwarf walked up to us.

"I have a valentine for Mr. 'Arry Potter," he said.

"Sorry, I'm busy," Harry said, his cheeks going red.

"It is a musical valentine," he informed my friends and I.

"Not here!" Harry told the dwarf, getting flustered. I turned to Ginny but she had disappeared. I turned back to Harry and the cupid, who now had a hold on Harry's sleeve while he desperately tried to flee.

"Stay still!"

Ginny suddenly reappeared. I grabbed her and pulled her to my side..

"Why'd you disappear?" I replied. "Do you not want to hear this?"

"Not really," she said, looking up at me, "But I'll stay..." I smiled at her.

Right at that moment, the dwarf tugged as hard as he could on Harry's bag. It split in two and all of his belongings spilled out. I spotted the diary among his schoolbooks. Ginny had seen it too I guessed from the shocked expression on her face. Harry was scrambling around, trying to pick up everything and salvage some books from his smashed ink well. Then, Malfoy appeared.

"What's this, then?" he asked. No-one replied.

"What's all the commotion?" A new voice asked. Through the crowd that was beginning to gather, Ginny's older brother Percy appeared. Yet again no-one answered.

"I said I HAVE TO GO!" Harry shouted at the small dwarf. He turned again and started to run away when the quick dwarf grabbed him by the knees and tackled him over. Ginny shifted uncomfortably.

"Now for your musical valentine," said the dwarf.

"His eyes are as green as a fresh-pickled toad,

His hair is as dark as a blackboard,

I wish he was mine, he is really divine,

The hero who conquered the dark lord."

Everyone watching started to laugh. Harry went as red as a beetroot, as did Ginny's ears. I realized only then that it had been Ginny's valentine.

"Ginny - " I began but stopped when I saw her face. She looked embarrassed, also rather sad, and still shocked.

"The diary-" she said worriedly.

"I told you," I said.

"I'm sorry. I thought it would be safe in those old toilets,"

"It's okay,"

"Do you think we should do something about it?" she asked.

"I don't know..." I answered. Suddenly Malfoy was by our side. He snorted.

"Weasley, I don't think Potter liked your valentine," he said loudly. I watched Ginny as tears welled in her eyes.

"Come on Ginny, let's get away from this idiot," I said to her. She covered her face as I grabbed her hand to drag her away. Draco followed us, only a few steps behind.

"Ginny, stay here," I told her. She nodded, not lifting her head. I turned to Draco.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"What did you call me?" he replied.

"An idiot," I said.

"Why?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Are you serious?" Malfoy shrugged, I turned and walked back to Ginny.

"Come on," I said, pulling her quickly away from the crowds.

Later on that night, Ginny and I sat doing homework in our empty dormitory. I hadn't mentioned anything to her about her Valentine for Harry, and she seemed to be getting slightly more cheerful. I could tell the diary was still playing on her mind, though. I was about to casually bring it up in conversation, when someone knocked on our door.

"Who is it?" Ginny and I chorused.

"A cupid," I glanced at Ginny with my eyebrows raised.

"Come in then!" Ginny said, suddenly cheering up a lot. The door opened and a cute, rosy cheeked, blonde haired dwarf came in. Much cuter than the one that had chased Harry.

"Hello, girls!" he greeted in a cheery voice.

"Hello," we said back.

"I have a valentine for Miss. Miranda Black," he informed with a little smile.

"For me?" I questioned.

"Yes, if you are Miss. Black?" he replied.

"Yeah, I'm Miranda," I said.

"That's good then. Here it is," He handed me a red rose and a singular bit of parchment. The cute dwarf then said his goodbyes and left the dormitory. I sat silently, staring at the parchment in my hands.

"Read it then!" Ginny urged. I opened it, and read it aloud for Ginny.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" I read. Ginny looked disappointed.

"That wasn't much," she said.

"Yeah, odd. I wonder who it's from," I said.

"Same, but, oh well. It's been a big day and I'm going to bed!" Ginny announced.

"Okay then, goodnight," I said. Ginny pulled up her covers and fell asleep seemingly instantly. I stayed awake for a while, thinking about who my Valentine could be. Then my thoughts changed to Harry and the diary.

'Could he be using it right now?' I wondered. I scratched my head, and decided it was time to go to sleep.


Hiiii, hope you're enjoying this! Please comment your thoughts, I love to hear feedback :)

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