Chapter 9 - The Crazy Bludger

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Harry's Quidditch match against Slytherin was on a Saturday. I met him briefly at the Great Hall on the day, before we had breakfast.

"Ready for the game?" I asked.

"Yeah, pretty ready I guess. I better go sit with the team," Harry said, gesturing towards the Gryffindor team, seated together at our table.

"Yeah, good luck!" I said, smiling.

"Thanks," He smiled and then walked over to the team. I walked over to Ron and Hermione who were just getting up to go out to the pitch.

"Do you want to come?" Ron asked.

"Of course," I replied, "My first match of Quidditch!"

"It'll be good...I hope Harry knocks Draco off of his broom. Let's go then," he said. I grabbed two pieces of toast.

We walked out to the pitch and sat down next to Daniel, who was already there and had saved us seats. Ginny joined us a few minutes later. The stands were still fairly empty and we watched the steady trickle of students file in until all of the stands were full. The two teams came out onto the pitch, and the captains shook hands in the middle of the field. Then they went back to their teams, standing in two separate lines.

"On my whistle," Madam Hooch said, "One...two...three!"

With a roar from the crowd the players shot upwards, a blur of red and gold, and green and silver. I could just make out Harry, soaring far above the Chasers passing around the Quaffle, looking around for the tiny Snitch. Malfoy was not far below him, saying something to Harry that we couldn't hear from the ground.

All of a sudden, one of the Bludgers that had been zooming towards Gyffindor Chaser Katie Bell, changed direction in mid-air and sped towards Harry.

"I didn't think Bludgers could do that," Daniel said.

"They only change direction when hit by a beater's bat," Ron replied, unsure of what was happening.

"Maybe someone used powerful magic on it," suggested Hermione.

"No-one would've opened that case to enchant it Hermione!" Ron said, getting angry all of a sudden.

"Okay, okay! Don't bite my head off," she said.

George gave the Bludger a forceful whack towards the Slytherin keeper, but it turned around and started to go for Harry again. But this didn't put Harry down. From where I was seated, I could just spot the Golden Snitch flutter past Malfoy. Unfortunately, he also spotted it and Harry didn't, as he was too busy concentrating on the Bludger. Just as Malfoy went diving for the Snitch, Harry realized what was happening. He sped off towards the Slytherin seeker, the Bludger following closely behind.

The two boys raced neck and neck, following the Snitch everywhere it went. It went right under the stands, and Harry and Draco followed, the Bludger racing behind them. It flew into the bars and smashed them down. Now we couldn't see the boys at all, and we only knew where they were because of the crashes they were causing. After a few minutes Harry appeared, holding the Snitch high above his head in triumph. Draco came out after him, teeming with rage. The crowd erupted and I couldn't hear anything but loud cheering from all of the Gryffindors, along with the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs - and booing from Slytherin.

Harry stood in the middle of the pitch with a smile. Out of nowhere came the rogue Bludger. It hit him in the stomach and he doubled over, falling to the ground. He quickly composed himself and got back up, only to have the crazy Bludger come back at him, this time hitting his arm.

"Ow!!" Harry screeched. He fell over again, clutching his arm.

"Oh no!" Hermione said.

"Come on!" I said, grabbing everybody and running down to the field.

"Out of the way, I can fix this in a jiffy," said a voice that we all knew too well.

"It'd be better to leave that for Madam Pomfrey to fi-" Hermione started, rushing forward. But it was too late.

"Brackium Emendo!" Lockhart said, "There you are Harry, all fixed now!"

Harry moved his arm experimentally, and it flopped sideways.

"There's no bones in that arm, Harry!" Ron exclaimed, a look of shock etched on his face.

"Ah, but it is no longer broken," Lockhart said.

"We better take him to the hospital wing straight away!" I said, gaping at the boneless arm.

"Yes, yes, I'll come too," Lockhart said. We all groaned as we walked to the hospital wing. I rushed ahead of the others and ran into Madam Pomfrey.

"Hello dear, what can I do for you?" she asked.

"It's Harry. The Bludger was following him like crazy in the game - someone must of put a spell on it or something - and it hit his arm and he fell over and we realized it was broken, so Professor Lockhart came up and said this spell that we've never heard of - Brackium Emendo - and Harry lost all his bones in his arm and now it's all floppy and Professor Lockhart said it was more flexible!" I said in a rush.

"Oh dear, that isn't good, not at all. He should've come to me straight away. Tonight will be a painful night for Harry," she said. My friends joined me moments later.

Madam Pomfrey looked sternly at Lockhart and repeated, "Should've brought him straight to me!"

"Well, the kids wanted me - they're all big fans, you see," he explained. We all glared at him angrily and blood rushed to his cheeks. He shuffled out of the room.

"Harry, lie down," Hermione instructed. Madam Pomfrey left the room to get some 'Skele-Gro', while Harry lay down on one of the beds.

"Okay, this is going to be a very painful night. Are you ready?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

"Yeah," Harry said. He took a few sips of the liquid and spat it straight out.

"Yuck!" he shouted. "It's horrible!"

"Well, what did you expect? Pumpkin Juice?" Madam Promfey asked, her eyebrows raised.

Harry shrugged with one shoulder and took a few more sips, grimacing. He winced in pain as the bones had already started growing back.

"You better go now," Madam Pomfrey said as she turned to Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Daniel and I.

We said our goodbyes and walked back to the common room in silence.

"Wattlebird," Hermione said to the Fat Lady. Fred and George led the rest of the Gryffindor team to us as we came into the room.

"How's Harry?" Fred asked.

"He'll live," Ginny replied.

"That Bludger sure was crazy," George said. Oliver Wood nodded in agreement. No one could think of an explanation as to what had happened. We spent the rest of the day relaxing by the warmth of the fire, hoping Harry was okay.


Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy the nxt chapter! I have recently broke my leg so I haven't been writing much :D

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