Chapter 17 - A Special Meeting

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Ron and I dragged Lockhart along the corridors. It was hard work. He wanted to keep stopping and having long conversations with the portraits, or admiring a wall, trying to stroke it like back in McGonagall's office.

"Come on Lockhart, get moving," I shouted to him as he stopped for the 37th time.

"Wait! Wait, just one second! Look at the wall... Ohhhhh!!! Pretty!" he said. Ron groaned. I glanced at my watch.

"Hey Ron, do you think you could take Lockhart to the Hospital Wing by yourself? I have to go," I said.

"What? Oh...sure...I guess..." he said gloomily.

"I'm sorry. But thanks!" I said, grinning. Then I turned away from him and sprinted back down the hall. I reached the door to McGonagall's office in no time at all. The door swung open just as I got there. Out came a tall man with white blond hair, which flew out behind him as he walked. For a second I had no idea who it was. Then I realized his hair was the exact same shade as Draco Malfoy's. Mr. Malfoy - Draco's father. I'd run into him before, in Flourish and Botts when he had fought with Mr. Weasley. At his heels was a small elf, with huge twinkling eyes and wrinkled grey skin. Mr. Malfoy glared at me, anger evident in his expression.

"What are you looking at?" he demanded.

"Nothing," I muttered.

"I'm nothing?" he asked, his eyes wide.

"I wasn't looking at you!" I lied. Mr.Malfoy raised his eyebrows and continued walking. Just when I thought he was gone, Harry ran out of the door.

"Mr.Malfoy! I've got something for you!!" Harry shouted. Mr.Malfoy stopped and turned to face Harry. He handed him the diary.

"I don't want this! It's not mine. Dobby - throw this out immediately!" Mr. Malfoy demanded. He chucked the old book to Dobby.

The elf caught it one hand and Malfoy spoke again, "Come Dobby," But his house elf didn't move. He was looking at his master in disbelief. But at the same time, he looked happy. Dobby grinned and pulled a dirty sock out of the diary. Harry's sock.

"Master has given Dobby a sock," The elf said in a happy voice, "Master has set Dobby free!!" Malfoy stared at his old servant, then he looked at Harry. He lunged at him.

"You have lost me my servant, idiot boy!" He pulled his wand from his fancy robe.


"YOU WILL NOT HARM HARRY POTTER!" Dobby said in a very loud voice. The elf clicked his fingers once and there was a loud bang. Mr.Malfoy was blasted backwards. Malfoy looked annoyed, but he pulled out his wand again, pointing it at Dobby now.

"You shall leave now," Dobby said calmly, raising a long, threatening finger. Mr. Malfoy simply stared at Dobby and then walked off, his cloak billowing behind him.

"Harry Potter freed Dobby!" The elf said happily, bounding over to the boy that freed him. I glanced at my watch once again. It had been 10 minutes. I said a quick goodbye to Harry before rushing over to the door and knocking.

"Come in!" Dumbledore's voice said from the other side of the door. I walked in and Dumbledore motioned towards the seat opposite him. I sat down.

"Hello, Miranda," he said calmly.

"Hello, Professor Dumbledore," I said, forcing a smile.

"I don't think I've talked to you since that day I visited you at the orphanage. A lot of things have happened since then, haven't they?" he smiled, "Do you know what I asked you to come here for?"

"Perhaps to discuss what happened down there in more detail?"

"I guess that's what we could call it. I'd also like to talk about an incident that occurred at Professor Lockhart's Dueling Club," Dumbledore said. I nodded slowly. "I've heard that you caused quite an impressive show there. And Harry tells me you managed to get through a wall of rock. All very commendable, Miss Black - well done! However, one must ask the question - how does a first year student with a Muggle upbringing know such advanced magic?"

"I would love to tell you, Sir, but I'm afraid I can't. I don't know how I knew those spells. It sounds odd, I know, but both times Harry was in danger - and I felt it. I got this rush of adrenaline and then the spells just came to me, like they were telling me how to help Harry," I explained.

"Is that so! Peculiar, yes, very much so..." he drifted off, looking like he was thinking intently. "The bond..."

"What? The bond?"

Dumbledore glanced up at me. "I am afraid, Miranda, that much like the questions you had about your parentage, it is a thing best kept secret until you are ready. For now, I will advise you to stay close to Harry. We will see in the years to come whether these strange events keep happening to you,"

"Alright then. Was that everything?" I said, feeling uncomfortable. There were so many things I wanted to know, but couldn't find out.

"Yes, that will be all. Thank you, Miranda. You have done a great service to this school. Now, you look like you need some food and a good night's rest! I suggest you catch up to Harry, I think he is still talking to that little elf. Off you hop. Goodbye!"

"Thank you. Bye, Professor," I said, smiling at him. He smiled back and I left, feeling confused. I could just make out Harry's figure moving down the hall.

"Harry!" I shouted. He whipped around, then stopped to wait for me. I caught up with him quickly.

"Should we change?" Harry asked, looking down at our stained clothes. I held up a strand of my hair coated in ink, and then shrugged.

"Probably. But I can't even be bothered. I am so hungry, all I want to do is eat," I said, turning the corner that would take us to the hall instead of the common room. Harry raised his eyebrows but followed me anyway. We entered the Great Hall together to see the whole school happily hanging out with their friends, eating from the piles of delicious food sitting on the tables. The best part was that everyone was in their pajamas. Daniel saw us and ran over immediately.

"Miranda!!" he exclaimed, pulling me into a tight hug. I laughed as he let go of me and turned to Harry with a grin. "Good to see you back too, mate,"

He told us that the plan was to party on into the night in our pajamas. Harry and I had laughed at this as if it was a joke, but we went to the Common Room and got changed into our pajamas too. When we returned, the feast was in full swing. Everyone was having a great time and it was by far the best feast I'd had so far.

My favourite part of the night happened at around 11pm. Talking halted as the doors swung open, revealing a group of students. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face for a long time as I saw those who had been petrified up and walking again!

"Hermione!" Harry, Ron, Daniel and I all yelled out. Our bushy haired friend grinned at the sight of us, and she sprinted over.

"You did it, you did it, you did it, you did it!" she said happily, hugging us all one at a time. "Well done!"

As everyone welcomed back their petrified friends, Dumbledore strode into the room. He walked up to his seat and sat down, smiling warmly at his students. All conversation stopped yet again as we all looked at him expectantly.

"Welcome to the end-of-year feast!" he began, "Shall I start by saying what house has won the House Cup this year?"


Hey guys! Only one more chapter to go =( Sad.....I've loved writing this book! But then I AM GOING TO HAVE A SEQUEL. I'm absolutely sure. Thankyou for reading this, you are so awesome!!!! I'd also like your support for me because I'm entering the Watty Awards =)  


Love and Butterbeers,


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