Chapter 10 - Dueling Club

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I woke up on Sunday to see the sun shining in through the window, beaming down into our room. I smiled, knowing that today would be a good day. I got changed and went down the steps to find Daniel sitting in an armchair reading a book.

"Hey Miranda," he said with a small smile, "I was just about to go to breakfast,"

"I'll come with you," I said.

"Sure," he replied. He got up and quickly put his book away, and together we walked to the Hall. Ginny was already up, staring at the window as if waiting for something. Daniel and I sat down next to her.

"Waiting for something Ginny?" Daniel questioned as he helped himself to a bowl of cereal.

"The mail," she replied quietly.

"Ohh!" I said, just as hundreds of owls came swooping in. "Morgan!"

I could spot my snowy white owl flying towards me among the vast number of other owls. She flew over and landed neatly on my shoulder where I could untie the letter that was attached to her legs. Morgan squawked, so I gave her a bit of toast. She was then happy and she flew away, heading towards the Owlery. I opened my letter - it was from Molly, informing me that all of the Weasley children intended to stay at Hogwarts over the Christmas holidays, so she would see me at the end of the school year. I had imagined a lovely Christmas at The Burrow, but the thought of celebrating Christmas at Hogwarts warmed my heart. Suddenly Harry plonked himself down opposite us.

"Listen-" he said.

"Ah yes, good morning to you too," Daniel said.

"Your arm is back!" I exclaimed.

"Not important! You know how Mrs. Norris was petrified?" he asked.


"Do you know Colin Creevey? Because he's been petrified too!"

"You're joking," Ginny said, alarmed.

"I wouldn't joke about it,"

"Colin's in our year, he sometimes sits with us in class," I said, feeling a little down. Harry took a deep breath.

"I just want to know what's going on!" he said in a frustrated tone.

The story of Colin's petrification spread slowly around the Hall, and everyone started to look even more worried and nervous then they were previously. No-one wanted to be petrified.

"He will be alright, won't he?" Ginny asked Harry, looking the most nervous of all of us.

"I'm pretty sure he will be okay, in the hands of Madam Pomfrey," he replied, "And everyone knows that wherever Dumbledore is, is the safest place to be,"

"Harry's right. Madam Pomfrey is brilliant! And Professor Sprout is dealing with the Mandrakes. Colin will be fine," Hermione said reassuringly, surprising me as I hadn't realised she'd joined us.. It was comforting to know that the petrification was something that could be fixed.


In the second week of December, Professor McGonagall came around taking names of people who would be staying over Christmas. I put my name down, as did Ginny, Daniel, Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

A few weeks later, as I was walking with Ginny, we saw a huddle of kids crowded by one of the walls.

"I wonder what's happening?" I asked.

"Let's go see," Ginny replied. We started walking toward the huddle of kids, and noticed that Daniel was with them.

"Come see this!" he said excitedly when he spotted us. We walked over to where he was, and he pushed us into the front of the crowd. A bright poster had been pinned up, that read 'Dueling Club!' .

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