Chapter 18 - Last Sleep at Hogwarts

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"In fourth place is...Ravenclaw with 218!!" Dumbledore announced. A short applause followed. Dumbledore waited for the clapping to end before speaking again.

"And in third place is the Slytherins with 256!!" He said. The Slytherins didn't look very pleased, but they still clapped as they hadn't come last.

"Now...this doesn't happen often! Hufflepuff is second with a total of 309!!" Dumbledore shouted out. Gryffindor and Hufflepuff cheered loudly, and a few Ravenclaws clapped, but all Slytherins were silent.

"And at that number one spot...Gryffindor! They have a score of 298!!!" We all started cheering but then stopped. 298? That couldn't be right. The whole school began talking, giving Dumbledore strange looks. Our headmaster laughed and began speaking again.

"I know that doesn't seem quite right! I have some special awards for 3 students in Gryffindor. To Ron Weasley for showing patience, bravery and endurance when waiting for his friends to return, not knowing what had happened to them. Miranda Black for being brave in the toughest of times, proving that she is a true friend and helping to defeat a Basilisk. Harry Potter for showing courage and quick thinking, which he used to overcome two very dark creatures. I award you 200 points each for your services to our school! This raises Gryffindor's score to a very high 898!" Dumbledore announced rather happily. The whole of Gryffindor cheered wildly, along with Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, while the Slytherins stayed silent, looking sour faced and mad.

"Now, it's time for pudding," Dumbledore added casually. As soon as he said that the food disappeared and was replaced by even more food, but this time we had plenty of yummy desserts. We ate and ate until our stomachs ached so much we could barely stand up. Eventually we forced ourselves to go to the Common Room and settle down to go to sleep, for our final night at Hogwarts.


Ginny woke me up at around 9o'clock, looking happy and well rested after her night in the hospital wing.

"Wake up Miranda!" she said, poking me in the shoulder.

"Why?" I said sleepily, "It's a weekend...I can sleep in..."

"Yeah, it is the weekend! But we have to board the Hogwarts Express today and it leaves at ten, which means we have an hour," Ginny explained.

"Oh, right!" I said. I hopped out of bed and pulled my wand out. I waved it around, remembering a spell we had learnt in class one day. All of my stuff went tidily into my suitcase. I grinned and Ginny copied what I had done. I nodded approvingly at her. Soon after that, we were ready to go.

Ginny walked with me to the Owlery to get Morgan. My white owl was not very happy to be put back into her cage. Only ten minutes after that, we were on the train waving goodbye to Hagrid as we slowly picked up speed. Hermione, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Daniel, and I had managed to score a compartment of our own.

"I must say, this has been a very eventful year, but it's been good!" Ron said as we lost all sight of Hagrid and Hogsmeade.

"Some of it wasn't so good," Ginny pointed out.

"True, true," Ron said. I yawned, feeling very sleepy after a short sleep following on from the late night feast. We sat in silence for a little bit, before Ginny shot up.

"I've just remembered!!" she exclaimed.

"Remembered what?" Hermione asked, picking at a bit of fluff on her robes.

"Percy's got a girlfriend! It's that Ravenclaw Prefect, Penelope Clearwater," Ginny told us. Ron's eyes widened in shock.

"Ooh la la!!" we all chorused, laughing our heads off.

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