Chapter 5 - First Day

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I woke up from a dream about the feast and sat up groggily, wiping my eyes. Sunlight was just beginning to filter through the curtains. The clock I had purchased in Diagon Alley sat next to my bed, telling not the time but what I should be doing. It said breakfast.

I glanced at Ginny. She was still sleeping - and snoring. The other girls in our dormitory had already left, so I threw a pillow at Ginny.

"What in Merlin's name..." she muttered, sitting up, "Oh, it's you, Miranda! Is it time to get up?"

I nodded, and together we got dressed into our robes and made our way to the Great Hall for breakfast. I pulled my timetable out of my pocket and examined it.

Double DADA


Free Period/Lunch



Broom Flight

Once we'd finished our porridge, we walked with the other first year Gryffindors to our Defence Against the Dark Arts class. I was expecting a confusing walk full of turning staircases and misleading portraits, but fortunately for us, the classroom wasn't far away and we managed to reach the door without getting lost. A cheerful voice said, "Enter!"

We walked into the classroom to see a man sitting at a desk. He had slick, blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin, and teeth too white to be natural. Ginny and I recognized him, of course.

"Gilderoy Lockhart," Ginny and I said simultaneously, sharing amused glances.

We walked to a table and sat down. Gilderoy stood up and started speaking, "Welcome to my class, Defense Against The Dark Arts. Although I highly doubt it, there may be some people here who don't know who I am. I'm the very famous author, Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense and the five time winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile award," he gave us his 'Most-Charming' smile.

"Arghhhh!" groaned Ginny. I chuckled at her frustration.

"Today you will be taking a quiz about me, to see how carefully you have read my books. You have exactly an hour, " Professor Lockhart explained to us.

He handed out the tests and said "Start now!" The first question was 'What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favourite colour?'

I shook my head, knowing I wasn't going to do well, especially because I had only skimmed over his books. But an hour passed and we finished up, and left to go to Charms.

We entered through an open door and Professor Flitwick greeted us. He was a short, cheerful looking wizard. He told everyone to take a seat and turn to page 33 in our books. For a fun introduction to Charms, we would be learning an easy spell that repaired things. All you had to do was say "Reparo".

With a wave of his wand Professor Flitwick made a singular broken teacup appear in front of everyone. I picked up my wand, pointed it at the teacup, and said, "Reparo!" Silver sparks shot out from the end of my wand and all of the pieces of the teacup magically glued themselves together.

"Ah, Ms Black's the first one to manage the spell, take 5 points for Gryffindor!" Professor Flitwick said. Ginny turned to me with a grin.

Once everyone had repaired their teacups, it was time for lunch. We met up with Harry, Ron and Hermione after sandwiches in the Great Hall, and went outside to sit by the lake. The three friends had patched up their friendship now, after Hermione had been mad at them for flying the car.

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