Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

I jumped out of the car and slammed the door shut, making my way to the tall building in front of me. It's safe to say that I crashed completely when I got home from school, and slept till dinner. After that, I quickly fell asleep again. Now though, I'm feeling fully rejuvenated.

Taking my phone out of my pocket, I checked my messages again. I had text Callum last night, but he ignored me. I don't know what I had been expecting. It was Callum, he would usually ignore me. Only to annoy me, or just because he was being rude, as per the norm for him. I did kind of miss him, even if he was mean and snarky at most times, he was pretty good company.

It would be nice to talk to someone who wasn't going to freak about my health.

With a sigh, I took a last glance at my phone before shoving it into the pocket of my black skirt. The only problem about wearing skirts with practical pockets was the task of locating said pocket. Whilst fumbling around with my skirt, my body collided with someone else’s. I took a step to the side, looking back over my shoulder to throw a 'sorry' to the person I had just walked into.

The person in question was Callum. What was he doing here? I've never seen him around here before. Then again, I have pretty much stuck with the same group of friends all through secondary school. Maybe he had been going to this school the whole time.

“Hey Callum!”           

He didn't respond to my greeting. In fact, he didn’t respond to my presence at all, instead, he just carried on walking swiftly down the hall. The goon didn't apologize for bumping into me.

What was that? Was he seriously just going to ignore me now? After visiting me in hospital, annoying the hell out of me, but eventually settling down into some sort of friendship, he was going to pretend that I didn't exist? Charming!

Well, stuff you too.

But it's not fair. He shouldn’t be allowed to do that to me! He spent all this time bothering me, and being all stalker like, visiting me, telling me that I had 'stolen' her heart, and he just goes on like nothing happened. Callum never did tell me whose heart I had, just that I had someone’s. I already knew that!

Decent people didn't do those things, you know? It wasn't right.

But whatever, I’m not going to dwell on this any longer. Or at least, I won't dwell on it now. Later, at home when I'm bored out of my skull, I’m sure I’ll do plenty of dwelling and pondering on it, but for now, it's not worth thinking about. He wasn't worth thinking about.

I just wasn't really expecting him to cut me off completely, he already seemed lonely enough, I would have thought that he wanted friends. I mean, no offence to him or anything, but it was sort of true. Maybe he really didn't want friends? Perhaps he preferred to be alone, but I for one couldn't comprehend why anyone would want that.

All in all, I didn't understand him. That's not necessarily a bad thing though, it makes him interesting; different. But yeah, he's still a goon. A goon who went to my school, who I had never seen before. Or I might have seen him, but I would have thought I’ve remembered him. The face he had been blessed with was rather attractive, and I was likely to remember that.

I sighed and I plonked my school bag down at one of the tables in our busy canteen. Today, the lessons had flown by and all the tiredness I had yesterday was long gone. Everything would be all hunky-dory if it wasn't for the enormous headache that was pounding my skull. The hustle and bustle of school was usually brilliant, however, after all of my days of lounging around in hospital beds and my sofa at home, made me begin to appreciate the quiet. My uncharacteristic mellowness could also be down to the large amount of drugs I was being told to shove down my throat: morning, noon, and night. The things they made me go through...

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