Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

I didn’t bother knocking on his door, I just opened it and walked through, foregoing taking off my shoes. I saw no point in wasting time, I wanted to tell him the good news.

I was exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster the last two days had produced, but right now, I was on a high, happy with the knowledge that we can move past this blip and carry on.

That was, if he wanted. Which I hoped he did – I sure wanted to move on. I couldn’t let Callum go, just the thought of breaking up makes me feel nauseous. It wasn’t happening, especially not now. The house was empty, which as very lucky for me, considering that I have pretty much broken in.

A smile took over my features as I tiptoed up the stairs, making sure to avoid the sixth one, it was creaky, and would have given me away. It struck me then how well I knew this house and the people that inhabited it. It was second nature to me in here now, a second home. I didn’t realise how quickly and easily I was able to adapt my life to contain Callum and his family.

It was a bit of a shock to the system, but not necessarily a bad thing. Being with him now was just…easy. Much unlike our relationship when we first met, that was stiff and awkward, the total opposite.

My breathing was light, in and out through my nose to reduce the sound I made. I felt like a spy. A stupid, low level spy, but a spy nonetheless. I griped the banister to help me become lighter on my feet, practically using it to pull myself up each step.

It was so very tempting to laugh. You must resist, Rosie! But it was so damn hard. I settled for a cheeky smile, its intensity making my face hurt after only a few seconds, but it was either that, or I laughed, giving the whole game away. That was not an option right now. I was going to use my super ninja skills and try to surprise him for once.

Though, he would probably be mad at me. The thought made me stop in my racks. It wasn’t one that I had really considered earlier. As soon as I had a rough idea of what I would be saying to him, I left my house, wanting to let him know everything as soon as I possibly could. However, I’ve technically been ignoring him for two days. He hasn’t stopped texting or calling, leaving voicemails that I dare not open for fear of caving in and telling him everything over the phone. I felt horrible ignoring him, now more than ever, but I think it’s going to be worth it.

At least, I hope it’s going to be worth it.

I carried on my journey to reach the top of the stairs, taking a slight pause once there to compose myself. I slowly crept towards his bedroom door that was pushed too, leaving it only slightly ajar. The faint traces of light could be seen through the gap and underneath the door, and after a few seconds of silence, Callum’s voice reached my ears.

“Na mate, I’m not ‘whipped’.” There was a moment of silence again before he said: “No, I’m not. I’m just trying to explain things to her. I kind of dropped a bombshell on her yesterday, telling her that she had Olivia’s heart. I just want to make things clear.”

The conversation carried on in the same manor, Callum speaking, then silence, and then the pattern repeated. I guess he was on the phone. I walked right up to the door, I was close to touching it, but I had to be to enable myself to see through the gap to watch him.

He was laying there on his bed, a pair of jeans on – and nothing else. I was blushing, even though I knew that he couldn’t see me. That probably made it worse. To anyone who didn’t know me, they’d probably think I were stalking him. Which I’m totally not. You can’t really stalk your boyfriend. Or there must be some sort of loophole making boyfriend stalking acceptable.

The curly hair was a mess, probably due to him running his hands through it, a nervous habit of his, and nose was scrunched up in distaste, most likely because he didn’t agree with whatever the person on the phone was telling him.

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