Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

I stood on the porch, underneath the light, clapping the heels of my boots against the concrete steps. I rang the bell and waited, counting the passing seconds by each clack of my heals. Twelve. The door swung open, and a confused looking Callum stood there.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to fry some eggs.”

“Well can’t you just – wait, what? Why?”

“I’m not here to fry eggs, dofus, I’m here to babysit.”

"Why?" he said, recognition appearing for a brief moment.

"Because it's my job, if you care to remember?"

"No, I don’t actually. Besides, I told you to not bother coming, I’m home, and I can take care of my little sister perfectly well thanks very much!"

"Aww, but then who'll take care of you?" I cooed. Just to annoy him like I knew it would.

"Shut up," he said, shaking his head at me. "Now, you gonna leave or what?”

"No, rude ass, I’m not leaving, I’m here to babysit, like I said."

"Well, like I said, we don't need you. I told you that earlier. You know, you really should start listening to other people."

"I do listen to other people, sometimes. Now, could you please let me in, it's pretty blooming cold out here."

"Seriously, go home."

"Nope, your mum told me to come, so I’m staying here to do my job."

"You’re so annoying!"

"Only because you're so easily annoyed," I countered.

"Callum, honey, who's at the door?"

Callum begrudgingly opened the door slightly wider so that his mum could see me. She poked her head round, and smiled at me.

"Rosie dear, come inside, you must be freezing out there."

I quickly moved inside, brushing past a stunned looking Callum.

"Mum, tell her to go away."

"Callum, I thought I was looking after one little child tonight, not two?"

He gave me another 'shut the hell up' face, and was about to open his mouth again when his mother beat him to it.

"No, I told Rosie to still come over tonight. Two reasons. One: it's her first time, and it'll be good to have you here just in case. And Two: you're not the best company for Sophie, so Rosie is staying tonight. Well, until ten thirty anyway."

"Yeah, you look lovely tonight," I said, taking in her black dress and silver accessories. "Where you heading off to?"

She smiled graciously at me. "Me and Josh are going out on a date night!"

"That's lovely!"

"No it isn't, it's gross." Callum stated bluntly from behind me.

"Just ignore him, I think it's real cute."

And I did. A date night sounds good. I think my parents need one of those. After all of the stress from the recent months, it must be nice to take a break, if only for a few hours at night. Maybe I should set my parents up? I’m sure they'd appreciate it! Or maybe I could just spend more evenings at Daniel's place. Gives my parents space, and also give me the golden opportunity to annoy the dear brother of mine! What’s not to love?

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