Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

“I can’t believe someone’s stuck with you for a whole month!”

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”

“You can be a tiny bit crazy at times”

“You’ve stuck by my side for, like, thirteen years.”

“Well yeah,” Tasha said after swallowing her mouthful of sandwich. “But this is different. This is a proper relationship thing you two have got going on. And it’s lasted for four weeks.”

I laughed at that. “Yes, but it’s not like it’s an important milestone yet.”

“Well, for you it is, and a month is pretty good.”

I snorted. “Whatever.”

“Just ‘cuz I’m right.”

I rolled my eyes and carried on eating.

Four whole weeks. And it feels like days. It’s gone so quick it is almost unreal.

Yet I knew it was all happening. The ‘good morning’ texts, the ‘goodnight’ texts, even the ‘get your lazy ass out of bed’ texts. His hugs, cuddles and kisses still seemed as good as the first. And I was getting to know Callum better and better.

I knew that – like a typical guy – he loved video games. I was also one of the few people who knew the extent of his love for McFly. He was in a serious fandom relationship with those guys. I also knew that he loved horror films, and scaring others alike. He also seemed to have an infatuation with cinnamon flavored gum. I was quickly falling in love with the smell, and the taste.

After a few minutes of me and Tasha sitting together, our table started to slowly fill up. Tasha decided that she was going to sit with us. She’s been doing so for the past week, though we would occasionally flit back to our own table in the common room to sit with friends. She claimed that it was to make me feel less lonely as I was getting to know his friends, but I think it’s because she liked his friends. More specifically: she liked Tom.

And, just for the record, Tom’s making it pretty clear that he liked her too.

The lunch hour was spent with us all laughing and joking, much like every other day. There were always several conversations going on at once, and always some sort of plan to meet up sometime, all of which seemed to fail, or just never happened.

I was grateful to just have one lesson after lunch, and then was headed straight to Callum’s house. He was waiting for me in the library, having no lessons after lunch, then the two of us went to his car, which had thankfully passed the MOT. Only just. Needless to say, Callum was happy to have it back nonetheless. He said that as long as it moved, he didn’t care. It did the job, got him from A to B, so I saw nothing wrong with it either, though I’m not exactly car savvy, so even if there was a problem, I wouldn’t know what it is, or where to look for one.

We dropped by Sophie’s school and waited for her to come out, taking her back home as well. When we got back to Callum’s house, Sarah whisked Sophie off to one of her dance classes, leaving me and Callum to entertain ourselves. He suggested a horror movie, and I (stupidly) agreed. That wasn’t one of my brightest ideas, and halfway through the film I threatened to leave – or break the TV, whichever was easiest – if the movie wasn’t turned off. Then I had to endure Callum’s comments about how easily I got scared. I figured that I’d just block him out and everything would be easier. I’m sure it would’ve worked, but he is a persistent bugger.

“So, Rosie, on a serious note, I need to talk to you.”

“Oh, okay.” I sat up straighter, slightly stunned by how quickly her could go from goofy and silly to still and serious.

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