8. House of Dicks - Literally

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For the next few weeks nothing remotely interesting had happened. Emery and I aren't always bitching at each other, though were still not in our lovey dovey state. I know can my heart flutter's whenever he's near, and I know he can hear it with the smug look he gives. It's not my fault though! I try to calm it but the damn organ won't listen to me. Anyways, Avi and I have our weekly talk and Caleb is always sure to be there. There both actually really cute together, I always make some lame excuse so I would have to leave for an hour to give them some time to 'talk'. Not that they can't do anything else.

Raven is keeping true to his word and hasn't pulled a move on me since, but we are becoming really close friends. He's a year above us so we don't have any classes together, but he sits with us during most of our meals. On the other hand, Asher is pretty distant, I don't know why. And the boys keep giving him disapproving looks while he just stares at me. It's kind of creepy, but I ignore it, it can't be bad.

It's been really fun with all the guys. We play harmless little pranks on each other now and then, well almost harmless. Chris accidentally sent of the demons back to Hell, he was pretty pissed when he came back. Caleb flooded both pools. Landon almost ripped the vocal teacher wings off. Asher almost got sucked dry by a vamp when he slipped down the stairs breaking almost every bone, which was completely Raven's fault. And Emery, well lets say Emery has a thing for blowing things up.

It's been good, but good things never last right?


It was a normal day in chemistry and we weren't doing anything when there was a knock at the door. A little kid with blond hair and black eyes came and gave a note to the teacher. He seemed kind of creepy to look at, but by now I'm kind of used to it. Emery and I continued with our conversation with Kyle, remember Kyle? He's the one who tried to suck me dry my first day here. Anyways we were talking about the upcoming break. Every year the week of New Year's we get to leave school to do whatever we want. We were discussing where we wanted to go considering it was mid-November already. I wanted to go New Zealand, but Emery wanted to go to Australia.

"Miss Fire, Headmaster would like to see you a moment in his office" even the teachers call me Fire now after that little incident.

I hastily got up and Emery did too. I grabbed my things and we both headed to his office.

"I have a bad feeling about this, like whatever he's going to tell us it bad" I was suddenly very nervous, why would he want me in the middle of class?

Emery didn't say anything; I know he knows what's going on.

Fine then, I won't talk either. We walked in silence until we reached Felucci's office. The same women sat there and told us to go inside without even a glance. We walked inside to see him at his desk with his head in his hands. He looked up at me with sunken eyes and took a deep breath.

"When was the last time you heard from your parents?"

"What happened to them?"

"Answer the question child" he didn't say it with authority, more out of fatigue.

"I haven't heard from them since they dropped me off at the plane"

"Okay, well they have not contacted me either and I have tried to contact them; however I am not getting through. I'm sorry I have to say this but -"

"There dead" I asked, I wasn't even surprised, I wasn't sad, nothing. No emotion.

"Not your parents, or that we know of" he said the last part to himself; I don't think I was supposed to hear it so I kept quiet.

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