25. House of Dicks - Literally

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The next two weeks were painful and exhausting which were spent training. Hands on combat, swords to Uzi's, to each of my powers. Every part of my mind and body is exhausted.

We were now lying half on my bed, half off, finally getting some rest.

"How are you doing?" I ask sleepily.

"I don't know how you guys do it." Avani mumbled. She has been training, disregarding mine and Caleb's complaint. Although she has no powers, she has been training in weaponry and hands-on combat. With the help of a protection spell from Thea, she is now fighting.

"This is my first war also Vi, and I pray it will be the last." I added.

She sighed, "Yeah, me too. It's just, I've grown to love everyone so much and I'm just so worried. What happens if I make it-?"

"And he doesn't?" I finished.


"Life just won't be worth it." I mumbled.

"We're not going anywhere. No one is going to die. Who knows maybe Eric will forfeit?"

We both turn towards the door to see all the boys walk in with, "FOOD!" We both yell, jumping.

"I am starving!" I yell grabbing the assortments of food and bringing it to the kitchen, where more covered the table.

"Only you can eat two Big Mac meals, and still have room for two desserts." Chris said shaking his head.

"I know I'm a tank." I say, patting my flat stomach. Truth is, I just have a really fast metabolism, plus with all the training we do, it's easy to keep in shape.

Everyone laughed, and dug in. The new princes and princess are here too. We have actually come to be quite good friends these past weeks.

As laughter and jokes filled the table, I became quite, slowly nibbling on my French fry.

Are you okay?

I nodded.

Are you sure?

Again, I nodded.

Do you want to talk about?

I shook my head no.

He sighed and pulled me up by my arm, saying goodnight for both of us.

Once in my bedroom, he shut the door and laid me on our bed.

"Will you talk?"

"Two days Emery. Only two days. Will I see a third?"

He closed his eyes pinching the bridge of his nose, while locking his jaw. He hated it when I spoke about death and dying.

Who will return?

"Why do you always insist on speaking about the negatives?"

It was a rhetorical question, but I still answered. "Because then I won't be disappointed!"

"Am I a disappointment, are we?"

I stood up angry, how dare he make this about us.

"This has nothing to do with us!"

"It has everything to do with us!" He yelled back.

I was about to scream out of outrage, when a knock at the door cut off my reply.

"What?!" we both yelled.

Landon opened the door, "Hey, oh, is this a bad time?"

"Yes." Emery said with anger still in his voice.

House of Dicks - Literally [Rough Draft Complete]Where stories live. Discover now