Amanda Jones

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Hi guys, this is a requested chapter from MoaBonnie.

Amanda Jones' POV

I awoke early and had time for a workout at the gym before I got to work. The gym was nearly empty and by the end of the workout I was drenched in sweat. I showered and walked to the parking lot. It was still very early, so it was completely empty. Or at least I thought it was.

As I past under a street light, four hooded men came out of nowhere and surrounded me. "Wallet. Phone. Keys. Now." One of them growled. Before I had time to do anything, two other guys appeared. One had messy, black hair and swirling sea green eyes and looked to be about nineteen, like me. The other one, who was about an inch taller, had close cropped, blond hair and startling sky blue eyes behind gold framed glasses and looked to be a about a year younger. Both looked muscular and handsome.

The dark haired boy spoke. "Dude, I think you need to work on your sentences. Pro tip; they usually contain more than one word each." He flashed us a loop side grin. The blond guy laughed. "You know that, bro? Because I can remember countless times your sentences've only consisted of the word 'burger'." That earned him a slap in the chest. "Shut it, Grace! Burgers are an exeption to the rule. They're special." he exclaimed.
"Get the hell out of my face!" The big man's growl interrupted their bickering. "Or I'll make you."

"Well then." The shorter of the two stepped forward. "Make us." His voice sounded sharp and deadly, without a trace of the playfulness I'd heard in it a second ago. The man closest to them attacked, a knife in his hand.

He made a thrust at the dark haired boys head. He grabbed his arm, ducked and threw him over his shoulder. "Heads up!" he yelled at the blond guy. He caught the guy midair with an elbow to the chest. I heard a loud exhale when the two guys connected, and then a worryingly loud crack when he hit the floor.

"One down." The shorter guy said. "Three to go." The taller boy finished, then he continued. "I bet that I can take one out with my right arm behind my back." I was completely astonished. The attackers were as well, they stood with mouths gaping, unsure of what to do. The blond took advantage of that. He charged.

He got low and tried to kick away his opponents legs, but in the last second he jumped upwards, but the blond didn't waste any time. He spun around and firmly placed his elbow in the other mans groin. That made him stumble backwards and double over with a groan. The fight was finished when the boy kicked his aggressor in the face, which made him fall down and not get up again.

I gaped in chock and so did the other two men. But the blond guy's friend only looked mildly impressed. "Both hands behind my back." He wiggled his fingers before laughing and launching himself at his opponent, hands behind his back. The man in black met him with a punch, that was ducked. Then he aimed a kick at the green eyed boys knee, but he met it with a kick of its own, which threw his opponent of balance. Taking advantage of the situation, he tackled the guy in the chest with his shoulder. He stumbled backwards and fell. The boy placed his foot at the mans throat.

When he looked up, his expression made me terrified. He looked bewildered and animalistic, he was bloodthirsty. However, that was replaced with a laugh and a smile. "I win, bro!" He exclaimed happily. "Not yet." His friend answered and turned towards the last opponent, but he was already running away. "Okay, I guess you win." He sighed. Then he turned towards me. "Are you okay?" He asked. I could only nod. "Well then, we better get going." The dark haired boy released the man under his shoe, who wisely stayed down. With that they were gone. If it weren't for the men on the ground I would have thought I had imagined them. I hurried to my car and then quickly drove away.

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