I've died... but I'm back

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I called my mother. She answered on the first ring and I told her everything(not about the vampire or wolf thing). SHe started hysterically bawling and I hung up. I crawled into Embry's lap and kissed his lips. He deepened the kiss and i pulled away. I pointed to Jake and Embry nodded. I got really bored then JAke and Embry said simeutaneously(sp?), "GUyss, let's go cliffdiving with Paul and Quil!"

I got excited and squealed in delight. Jake snorted and said, "Did you actually just squeal?" I punched him and said, "Let me get dressed, I want my towel and swimsuit this time."

I winked at Embry and Jak said, "Hey! What am I missing?!"

I just grinned and I pranced from the room. I went into the bedroom. I grabbed my black and white polka dot bikini and i stripped down to my nude self. I tied the bottom strings and the bottom of the top but I couldn't reach the other one so I yelled, "One of you guys come help me!!"

I heard them running and the door open. I turned and I saw their eys bulge and jaws dropped. I said, "Can one of you tie this string? I can'treach it!"

They laughed and Embry came over. His warm breath washed over my cool neck which mad a weird tingley sensation. He tied the string and double knotted it. I screeche, "TOO TIGHT!!"

Jake laughed, "That's what she said." They both cracked up and fell on the floor. I just rolledmy eyes and grinned. They got to thier feet and Jake bent down and put his head between my legs. He grabbed my legs and stood up. My head hit the ceiling and I slapped Jake's cheek. He tripped and we were slowly going down. Embry got me off of Jake in a second and held me in his arms.

I cracked up and laughed so hard that I was about to pee. I ran to the bathroom and peed. I came out and Embry was leaning againist the wall. I grgabbed his hand and Jake's hand and led them to the car. I opened the car door and got in the middle. Embry was on my left and Jake was on my right. Embr turned the car on and put it into ignition. I put my head onto jake's lap and I laid my feet into Embry's lap. embry went around a turn and braked as a cat ran across the road. I rolled off the whole seat and onto the car floor.

I moaned and held my stomach. Jake helped me up and I sat upright then I punched Embry in the arm as hard as I could. He protested, "Ow!! What was that for?!"

"Now you know how I felt. Just imagine it in the groin and then you'll feel my pain."

Jake started cracking up and Embry was rubbing his arm. I grabbed his inner upper thigh and squeezed. He moaned and me and Jake started laughing like crazy. Embry blushed and I licked his cheek. He started the car again then licked my chest. I rolled my eyes and licked Jake's cheek. Jake licked my stomach and then I feigned licked Em and then gave his arm a good chomp. He said, "OW!!!!"

I laughed and bit Jake's neck.

Jake said, "OH crap! Bella's a vampire!"

Em and I just laughed as we pulled up to the cliffs. Paul and Quil were already there. I jumoed on Jake's lap then I jumped out of the car. I screamed race ya! THey both jumped out of the car and were coming up fast they passed me and I tripped them one at a time. THey fell forward and Paul and Quil roared with laughter. I screamed, "Whoever gets to Paul wins!" I ran to Paul and jumped on his back.

He hoisted me onto his shoulders and ran around screaming, "BELLA'S THE WINNER!!! BELLA'S THE WINNER!"

HE brought me over to the edge. Jake and QUil ran and jumped in. It was just me and Paul and EMbry when I saw Paul bend over and run at me. I tried to run but I culdn't. HE hoisted me over his shoulder and jumped in. I wrapped my arms around his waist as I screamed. As we hit the water, my back slapped againist the water it stung like hell.

I was submerged under water and I saw Paul's arm searching around for me. I slowly sank to the bottom. I tried to kick up to air, but the current was keeping me under. I fighted despreatly againist it when I saw a huge sploosh. I saw Embry swimming towards me with his face a mask of terror. I felt the water rise in my lungs. His face was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

* * *

When I woke up, I felt a sort of sensation. I felt all whispy and flowy. I opened my eyes and saw my body, pale as a vampire. I remembered everything before I blacked out and Ishuddered. I saw Jake, Paul, and Quil crying their eyes out. I saw Embry crying and frantically working over my bbody trying to save my life with CPR. Then I realized I was dead.

A beautiful figure, beautifuller then Rosalie could dream to be, was flying exer so gracefully. She stopped and said, "HEllo Bella my dear. I'm Ariel, your guardian angel. I haven't done such a good job no have I?"

She pointed to my dead body. I asked, "Ariel, am I dead?"

She whispered, "Now that, my dear, is up to you. You can come with me and have a painless, eternal life. Or you could go back to a life ful of pain and love. Either way, you benefit from it."

"Painless?" I asked in a small voice.

SHe smiled, "Yes, indeed. However, look at your imprint. He tries to futily save your life while you are dead for the moment."

I asked, "What would happen if I chooseto go with you?"

"Jacob, Embry and Paul would fall into a depression. Quil stopped phasing. Paul wouldn't talk to anyone. Jacob and Embry would have mutiple suicide attempts. One day, they would both succeed. DO you really wish that upon your friends? Dear. You already made up your mind so why must you ask?"

"Because I wanted to know. How do I go back?"

She smiled, "Imagine yourself in your body alive. GOodbye, dear."

SHe began floating back up to the sky. I called, "WAIT! Is this real or is it just happening in my head?"

She smiled, " Of course it's happening in your head but why does that mean it isn't real."

She dissapeared. I imagined my self in my body and alive.

* * *

I woke up coughing water out of my lungs. I breathed in deeply and opened my eyes. EMbry was kneeled over me with tears streaming down his face. Jake, Paul, and Quil were standing over me with tear marks on thier face. I smiled at them feebly and Jake said, "Bella, you scared the ever living shit out of us. Don't ever do that again." I nodded.

Paul said, "Bella, I am so sorry. I looked for you underwater but I couldn't see you. Then EMbry pulled you out."

I said hoarsely, "Paul, it's ok. I'm alive right?" He smiled and nodded.

THen Embry looked at me with scorching eyes. They burned past my soul and he said, "Bells, I thought you were dead. I've never felt such pain before . Even when Edward threw me into the tree. I was seriously considering suicide if you didn't wak up."

I smiled at him and then I slapped him. I heard a SMACK and smiled. Paul laughd, "After coming back from death, she still slaps you."

Embry yowled, "What the hell was that for?!"

I took his face in my hands and looked at him straight in the eye. I said in a weak voice, "Embry Call, don't you ever say that. Even if I died, you are not allowed to kill yourself. I don't care about your pain, well I do, bu you can't just kill yourself. You have to be strong and move on. THat's what I did when Edward left me. And look at me now. I'm happy. I'm alive. So lets keep me that way. I love you."

I kissed him full on the mouth. He kissedme back eagerly and passionatly.

Imprinted with Embry( Bella and Embry Romance)Where stories live. Discover now