Flashbacks suck

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A/N I just wanna say that I wouldn't be writing this at 9:52 p.m if i wasn't for KerrydaQueen..... SO you can thank her.... Oh and MERRY CHRISTMAS OR HAPPY HANUKUH (SP?) or HAPPY KWANZA!!! (SP?)

To cut to the chase i hope you all have a happy holidays <3 Erin

Embry kissed me back and I started shivering so hard that I almost bit his lip off. He pulled away and said, "Let's get you to the hospital. You are going to pneumonia(sp?)." I odded and slowly fell asleep.

Another author's note.... I am going into EMbry's POV from when Bella was drowning


I watched Paul grab Bella and jump off with her. I growled. I walked over to the edge. Paul and Bella just submerdged and Paul popped up. Isearched for my Bella but she was still undder. The current was strong and Paul dove under to look for her. It had been four minutes now and I was getting worried. I stripped off my shoes and socks and shirt and I dove in. I felt adrenilin surge through me as I dove through the air.. I went under and I looked around for Bella. I swam all through the blue green murky water. All I saw was Paul with a worried expression. I dove back up and got air the same time as Paul. I dove back in and I saw a swish of brown and white. I swam towards it and I saw her.

She was tinged blue and her mouth was open. SHe was trying to kick up to the surface. She was too weak ad the current too strong. She saw me and then her eyes closed for the last ime. I waved Paul over and pointed. I swam over as fast as I could. I grabbed her hand and dragged her up to the surface. I swam againist the current towards the beach. In what seemed like hours, I made it to the beach. There the guys were standing there, shocked. I laid her out and started pumping on her chest.

C'mon, Bella, breahe. God Danngitt breathe. I pumped on her chest and I listened for a pulse or a heartbeat or ANYTHING!!! I heard nothing. Bella was dead. I felt the tears streaming down my face as I kept pumping on her chest. othing. The guys were crying as well. JAke curled up in a ball and sobbed. Paul was crying as he punched a tree.

I pumped on her chest as I begged her to live. "C'mon don' leave me Bella!" I growled. "I need you. Please, Bella." I sobbed.

I pressed my lips to hers and blew air through her airway. God dammit Bella keep your heart beating. Please. Please. I moaned, "Bella. Please."

AN excruciating pain shot throughout my chest. I felt like I was burning at the stake. I felt empty and I had no point of living. I pumped her chest and blew air throughout her airways. I had such pain throoughout that I screamed. I twisted and writhed in pain. I put my hands back on her chest and started pumping. I felt fresh ears spout out of my eyes and they poured down my cheeks. I blew air into her mouth from mine and silently begged for her to live.

Bella was dead. Paul came over and said, "Embry, she's gone."

I turned and punched him right in the nose. I felt the nose collide with my knuckles. He back off and shifted the cartilige. I felt the guolt mix with all the pain. I yelled in frustration, pain, and hurt. I started pumpig her chest again. It had been fifteen minutes. Fresh tears poured down my face when my Bella couched and sputtered to life. I felt the tears streaming down my face. I cried and I pulled her tight to me.

I was kneeled over Bella with tears streaming down my face. Jake, Paul, and Quil were standing over Bella with tear marks on thier face. Bella smiled at them feebly and Jake said, "Bella, you scared the ever living shit out of us. Don't ever do that again." She nodded.

Paul said, "Bella, I am so sorry. I looked for you underwater but I couldn't see you. Then EMbry pulled you out."

She said hoarsely, "Paul, it's ok. I'm alive right?" He smiled and nodded.

Then I looked at her with scorching eyes. They burned past her soul and I said, "Bells, I thought you were dead. I've never felt such pain before . Even when Edward threw me into the tree. I was seriously considering suicide if you didn't wake up."

bella smiled at him and then she slapped me. I heard a SMACK and groaned while she smiled. Paul laughd, "After coming back from death, she still slaps you."

I yowled, "What the hell was that for?!"

Bella took my face in her cold hands and looked at me straight in the eye. She said in a weak voice, "Embry Call, don't you ever say that. Even if I died, you are not allowed to kill yourself. I don't care about your pain, well I do, bu you can't just kill yourself. You have to be strong and move on. THat's what I did when Edward left me. And look at me now. I'm happy. I'm alive. So lets keep me that way. I love you."

She kissed me full on the mouth. I kissed her back eagerly and passionatly.

EPOV Present Tense:

I held my sweet Bella in my arms as I jogged back to the Rabbit. I wrenched the door open and carefuly put Bella across the seat. Quil and Paul hopped in the trunk while Jake sat in shot gun. He rubbed his hands allover her boddy trying to warm her up. I growled in jealousy and I grabbed the blanket and covered her indecent body. I rubbed my hand againist her thigh as Jake rubbed his hand on her arm. I put the car in drive and I headed towards Forks Hospital. As I drove, I felt her skin start going back to normal. Her hearbeat snak lower and higher and I sped up to about eighty. There were no cars or cops for that instance, Thank God. I pulled up the hospital and got out.

I picked Bella up and ran her inside. Quil and Jake were parking the car. I ran inside ad said, "She nearly drowned. HEr heartbeat is dropping and increading rapidly."

A nurse and docter took her from me and put her on a gurney. THey wheeled her away. Hours passed. Paul, Jake, Quil , and I waited and waited in the waiting room. After about five hours, a nurse told us we could go in. Paul ran into the giftshop. I walked into Bella's room with Jake and Quil behind me. She was sleeping peacefully. I kissed her cheek and I held her hand, waiting for her to wake up.


My eyes fluttered open. I was in the hospital and there was a giant IV sticking out of my elbow. I suddered. I looked around and felt embry holding my hand. I saw Paul behind about twenty balloons that said get better. I smiled. Quil was sitting in a chair sleeping as was Jake. I said, "Paul.... if we get in a sorm you'll float away."

paul laughed a booming laugh. I turned and looked at Embry. His eyes had bags under them and he looked as if he hadn't slept since when we slept together. I touched the circles under his eyes and frowned. I chatised, "Embry, you can't not sleep. Go sleep in the chair. I'll still be here when you wake up."

He nodded and slumped back in the chair.A minute later, I heard him snoring.

Another Author's note: guys this is my christmas gift too you. be safe an dhave fun.... i may not be on for awhile but i'll try and update tomorrow

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